I have no pain or blood clots just light bleeding and the tissue I past today could I still be pregnant and the baby be OK ???? Please someone help
I'm 6 weeks pregnant bleeding and tod... - Pregnancy and Par...
I'm 6 weeks pregnant bleeding and today I past a Lil pink tissue had a couple miscarriages in the past miscarried twins last year

I didn't mean to post it twice sorry
Hi dk4ever77,
First of all congratulations!! I bet you're feeling both ultra excited and nervous at the same time.
I had light bleeding for over a week when I was about 6 weeks pregnant and remember how scared I was. You can call the antenatal team/midwives at your local hospital and be seen for an early scan. It's not always conclusive but it can help to put your mind at rest.
Good luck, hope it turns out OK. xx
Hey, I've had multiple miscarriages, had my son no issue (had a planned home birth) and recently my daughter - was about 12 weeks pregnant and bleeding so much my other half thought it was a period! And when the emergency gyno (was 2 in the morning) did a speculum she told me I was miscarrying. Did a ultrasound when the dept opened at 8 and baby was fine. Bled all the way thru and gave birth at 31 weeks (waters broke a week before) and had a placental abruption. My pain was diagnosed as pelvic hurdle disorder which would be fixed with physio.
Get yourself checked ASAP, I'm praying you'll both be fine but if you find you are bleeding heavily, if your not already, demand to be put as a consultant led care through the pregnancy and ask if you're at risk of a placental abruption. If you are do research on it yourself and decide how you are happy to give birth.
Just to put it in perspective I had the blood weighed in hospital at various points as I was basically an inpatient throughout and I was looking between 1-3 pints a week so constantly hooked up and was 50-100 ML below the blood transfusion marker each week.
Can I ask what were your symptoms for placental abruption? Was it the constant bleeding, or something else?
Hi, sorry only just saw you had replied.
It was just constant bleeding for me. They told me I was at risk because heamatoma's kept developing and disappearing but it was the bleeding throughout that was the only sign. I really hope you don't have to go through the same as me as I gave birth naturally and it was traumatic. If you keep bleeding and your concerned wanting to talk to a mum who went through it feel free to message me but definitely get monitored by a consultant not a midwife xxxxx