My little girl is now 4 days old she took to breast feeding well but now she won't take it straight away and I am struggling to get her to settle at night. Can someone pleaee help me... ite running me down and im starting to feel like I cant do it xx
4 days old!: My little girl is now... - Pregnancy and Par...
4 days old!

ring the nct breastfeeding helpline for immediate help, plus find out where your nearest session is where a breastfeeding counsellor is present, who can give hands on support.
Thanks iv got my breast feeding support worker comin out to me x
First of all, you are doing and amazing job. Breast feeding can be hard and difficult, especially at night when you are tired and it's quiet and you second guess yourself. Have you tried changing the position you are feeding? I found when my first was tiny a 'rugby' hold was easiest with his legs tucked under my arm on the side he was feeding from, and then as he got a bit older I moved to the 'standard' with him lying across my tummy.
I would also suggest contacting a breast feeding support worker, there should be one in your area and if she hasn't already done so your midwife or health visitor should give you the details. They will have plenty tips for you and also lend an ear to how you are feeling about it all.
To this day I find it was the toughest and yet rewarding thing I have ever done. I was gutted when I had to stop when he was 6 months (mostly due to a certain health visitor getting on at me because he wasn't gaining enough weight and trying to get me to feed him more and I felt that formula was the only option as I just wasn't producing enough, no matter how many times I tried to feed him).
There is loads of support there for you and plenty women on here I'm sure have gone through similar situations that will happily lend an ear (me included). But most of all do not let anyone pressure you into something you don't want to do, whether that be carrying on with BF or moving to formula, or make you feel you are not doing an amazing job cos you are. Xx
Thank u. Iv tried all positions I think I got scared coz she made me bleed and that made her sick so I went into panick mode thinking there was something wrong with her coz when she wassick it was a mixture of milk n blood xxx
I had this as well, but I didn't realise the blood had come from me and when he brought it up we ended up taking him to out of hours as it scared me so much. I was so afraid of feeding him that I expressed every feed to make sure the milk was clear before giving him it in a bottle. I tried nipple shields but he wouldn't latch on with them. After a bit of perseverance and healing (I think I used lanisoh or something like that) his feeding settled down a bit again. I do think that if we are feeling a bit up tight and worried it can affect the way they feed so if you can (easier said than done I know!) relax as much as possible. But you should really find your breast feeding support team helpful. Xx
In the early days they will feed and feed to get the milk established. . This cud take 6 weeks. . The first 8 weeks r hard but once u get in routine its gd. Nights r hard but shes 4 days old.. ur her warmth and food she wud rather b with u. She will b getting enough her tummy is so tiny. On Facebook I am part of uk breastfeeding support page its great.. thete r support workers on there who u can ask questions too..its helped me get too 7 months x
My support worker came out and lydia took to it straight away (sodslaw) just gone to feed her again and she wouldn't take it so I expressed it and she took it fron a bottle. Im starting to wonder whether I should give up as all she does is create and get worked up. Then I get upset coz I feel like im failing. Xx
Is there a 'baby cafe' local to you? At my local one we have a Breast Feeding Councellor, Peer to Peer support volunteers (which are Breast Feeding Mums who have gone on to do some training), Health Visitors, new mums like me who have had challenges and hurdles along the way & other new mums looking for help just like you. My local one is closed for Easter as it's held in a school.
I found as well that I had a friend offer to be my 'breast friend'! And she was so supportive whilst I got established in first 6 weeks, from positions, to latch, frequency, cluster feeding, to his poop changing colour! (when they get too much fore milk and not enough hind) etc etc See if there is one local to you x
It does take a while to get established, I found the first six weeks the hardest but after that everything settled down. Until now! She is now coming up to four months and finds the world around her much more interesting than feeding! Do whatever feels right for you!