My LO is nearly 16 Weeks and she is EBF. She will not take a bottle at all (sigh) Anyway I have expressed milk and it has been in the freezer for a few weeks now, is it still safe to use?
How long can we freeze expressed milk... - Pregnancy and Par...
How long can we freeze expressed milk for?

I was told by my breast feeding lady to keep in fridge for upto 5 days and can freeze for upto 6months! (I was quite shocked) I've been expressing but she still won't take a bottle but I keep persevering x
It depends which section of the freezer you are using.
This is copied from babycenter...
You can store your breastmilk to keep it fresh for your baby in a number of ways:
At room temperature (no more than 25 degrees C), for up to six hours.
In a cool box, with ice packs, for up to 24 hours.
In a fridge (at four degrees C or colder), for up to five days. Store it at the back of the fridge, where it's coldest, away from meat, eggs, or uncooked foods.
In a fridge’s freezer compartment, for two weeks.
In a home freezer (at minus 18 degrees C or lower), for up to six months
Yep as rach said it varies. .I hav milk everywhere as using it for porridge for my 5 month freezer. .fridge. as long as u date the bags then u kno whats what x
The hospital midwives said it's good for a year in the freezer.
I was told by my midwife u can freeze the milk for 6 months.