Can someone please help. My daughter is 3 weeks old and I had been expressing and feeding via bottle for 2 weeks from when she was born as she has a problem with her tongue and is unable to latch. However my oldest daughter has been really poorly in hospital for the past week so I have been away from baby and altho I have been trying to express whilst in hospital I havent managed to do it as often as baby would demand infact av only managed to express about 4 times in a 12 hour period and since I have came home and tried feeding lacey again my milk supply has drastically dropped I was getting about 5oz out of 1 and 3 of the other but now am luckly if I get 1 oz out of each. I have had to put her on furmula to top up until I figure out what to do to get my milk back im absolutely devastated someone please help. Xx
Breast feeding... How can I increase ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Breast feeding... How can I increase my milk supply again? .

the NCT has a breastfeeding helpline.
0300 330 0771
Give them a ring as I'm pretty sure you can definitely increase your milk supply and they might put you in touch with a breastfeeding counsellor in your area.
Good luck xx
Sorry to hear your older daughter has been unwell, I hope she's better!
Your milk is all about demand - put baby on the boob as often as you possibly can and pump every hour or two even through the night, in a couple of days your body will respond to the request and will start producing much more. It won't be much fun for a couple of days, like when baby has a growth spurt but it will come! The nct breastfeeding helpline are lovely and might have some more tips if you wanted to speak to a pro, just google the number.
Good luck, good for you for sticking at it x
Your milk should respond to her suck - in about 48h... Ensure you offer her your breast and top up feed with formula (or express after you've formula fed her). Try not to get too stressed out (easier said than done!) as this can affect your let down. Try not to force it.
As posted above, you can contact the NCT, or try your local Infant Feeding Team - if they are anything like our local team, they will send someone to your house, or failing that meet you at your local breast feeding cafe/support group xxx
Your milk should respond to her suck - in about 48h... Ensure you offer her your breast and top up feed with formula (or express after you've formula fed her). Try not to get too stressed out (easier said than done!) as this can affect your let down. Try not to force it.
As posted above, you can contact the NCT, or try your local Infant Feeding Team - if they are anything like our local team, they will send someone to your house, or failing that meet you at your local breast feeding cafe/support group xxx
Hi guy's thanks that really helps its gunna be hard I can sence it. Every time shes hungry I try her on but she just screams as theres not enough there and its very hard for her she falls asleep within about 10mins if that sure we will get there found oyt these a bf support group at my local clinic on a wed think I will take her there. Xx
A really hungry baby will not settle, so she'd probably getting more than you think - babies become far more efficient milkers as they grow
Plenty of wet nappies? X
If there's a BF support group in your area definitely go I'm sure you'll find it a good help. Keep trying to feed her often and stay as calm as you can, it may be that you could express a little while she's on the breast and harness the let down reflex? When my babies were lazy when feeding I used to stoke the jaw gently to stimulate the sucking, just to remind them that they had a job to do. Weleda do a nursing oil which is supposed to help stimulate the milk flow I haven't tried it yet myself but the products are usually good and I have also heard that fennel is also a good stimulant. BF is a learned skill for both of you but with determination you'll champion this, so keep it up
Just Keep feeding her as often as u can the more she feeds the more u will produce or keep expressing as well x is she tongue tied? Did they say they could snip it or u?
Sounds like you have had a stressful time. This alone can affect your milk supply. My sister had similar problem. She did a lot of expressing between feeds but also make sure you get enough sleep and vitamins,/food. The fact that you havs managed to keep going says a lot, well done for not just giving up! Whatever you do is better than nothing!
If you can keep going you should, I echo what the other ladies have said you will respond to her demand, persevere if you can and look after yourself too. I hope your eldest is on the mend too x