I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes last week when my glucose levels on a one hour test came back at 8.2. I have changed my diets and started exercising and For the last 3 days I have been testing my blood but everyday I have a one spike at different times. I’m trying to figure everything out. I know it’s only been 3 days but how long do they monitor you until they decide to put you on insulin? I I’m 31 weeks and baby is fine. Little large but they said it was normal. I’m abit worried as I really don’t want to be induced early and I want to avoid insulin. Any advice?
Gestational Diabetes : I was diagnosed... - Pregnancy and Par...
Gestational Diabetes

I was told I had gestational diabetes - I think I registered 9 or 10 something like that.
I didn’t really change my diet, I carried on as normal, with exercise. The only thing I did cut out was sweets/cakes
Although as an experiment I ate a piece of stollen cake for lunch and it just tipped me over.
All my readings were normal, I was monitored right up until the birth at 39 + 4 days.
They said my baby was on the larger size and anticipated that she would be about 12lb - when she was born she was 6Lb 9.
Your baby will be glucose tested twice when they are born, if their normal like mine was then that’s the end of it for your baby.
You on the other hand will require yearly blood tests to check for the rest of your life by the GP.
It maybe that you never contract diabetes
My first pregnancy, I was diagnosed at 28 weeks, I controlled it just with diet, exercise and metformin. I never ended up having to take insulin at all. I would have been able to go full term with the diabetes, but babies growth was a bit slow on my scans so I was induced a week early.
I had it from 8 weeks with my second pregnancy and it was much harder to control, I was on metformin and insulin by the end and it was actually really simple to take.
Is there a reason you don't want to take insulin?
Hi,I am 26 weeks and done my glucose test over a week ago. The midwife did not contact me. Should I assume that I have been cleared?
Do we redo another glucose test before we give birth?
Hey, I was diagnosed with gd at 16 weeks so been dealing with it for a while. They will call you back after a week to discuss your diet and maybe put you on metformin. However I've seen medicine has only helped me a little its got way more to do with what you eat and when. Unfortunately they are not that good at telling you these things but this is what you need to do. Pair any carb you eat with a fat or protein. So yogurt or cheese, lean meat or chicken. Eat one fruit at a time. Apple should he eaten with something like peanut butter. Swap your carbs for wholemeal versions and reduce them slightly. Don't cut them out entirely. And walk for atleast 30 mins after your meals.
Can I ask which meals are spiking the most for you and how often are they telling you to test?