So ok, I have a 4yr old girl and my partner was trying for 2years, tests with clinic etc, I was not ovulating etc, then me and my partner split in august
but then got back together mid October and back on the pill as we did not want to rush things, but in November I was given antibiotics due to tonsilitus but turns out after weeks on them it was glandular fever, but. Anyway lastweek 2 cheap tests and 2 clearblue later imI'm pregnant! Got doc confirmation from docs yesterday! Just so excited I wanted to say
Pregnant!!!: So ok, I have a 4yr old... - Pregnancy and Par...

Hey congratulations, that is just brilliant news after 2 years of trying!! You must be over the moon xx
Massive congratulations! x
Thankyou I am so pleased abouttime some good news came my way
Wonderful news. Congratulations xx
Yay congratulations. .what a great xmas present xx
pretty much same thing happend to me , after 2 years trying . last year i was told our shop was closing down and although they were looking at placing us in other stores redundancy was a possibility , i conceived that mth (i decided not to' try' but not actively prevent either as nothing had happened in 2 years ! ) i was made redundant then 3 dys later got + test !!! very stressful time with a just 3yo 2 !
well im happy to report i secured my own job with the same company ( i didnt tell them i was pregnant till 16wks ) and have a truly beautiful angel now 4mts old : )
things happen 4 a reason , just go with it ... also daddy is much better this time round , helping with feeds etc and supporting me . 1st time he said it was 'my job ' thats y i was off work ... and he continued 2 see his friends at the pub at lease weekly and play football twice a week plus practice 1 or 2 nights !!!
baby might b just what u need : ) hormones can b hard to deal with while ur sorting everything out with ur partner though so try and reason in ur head and count 10 , im sure u know what i mean .
good luck