Wen I wipe all a lil goin on pad has any1 had this or now wat it means can u do a test if bleeding a lil
Pregnant or not can some1 help I was ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnant or not can some1 help I was due on the 22nd nov but didn't ave one come on Monday but it's light nd more of a pinkish colour

You can do a test. I had a similar thing... 3 days of very light pink bleeding when I was due on then next period I missed. If you get a negative test, re take in another week or so x
I wil do it's four days nw but it nt like normally I dnt need to change pad at all but stil do but it's more pink then red x
I'm going through the same thing here. Basically I'm 6 days late and we've been trying for a baby for like 9 months.
I'm not getting my hopes up because a month ago I started a diet and joined the gym. I'd walk/run on treadmill an average 40 minutes a day 5 days a week and was on a 1500 calorie diet. I went from 10 stone 2 to 9 stone 6 in a month.
Anyways I googled it and apparently you can miss a period due to this. Well I've dieted before but never ever missed a period, and the latest I've been is no more than 5 days. I'm sooooo confused and upset. I really wanna be pregnant. I've done like 5 pregnancy tests using first morning wee. All saying a big fat negative. Not bothered with one today because I cant take the disappointment
Hope all goes well for you
Yeh in the past I would do loads but sed neg so wud leave it a month or so nd do another one nd wud come bac pos dnt wanna get hopes up nd be dis pointed
Its a horrible waiting game. I'm thinking why don't I just come on so its over and done with. Why this cruelness? making me think I'm pregnant and then BAM! stupid period arrives
I know it's awful I'm goin do a test today but scared
Did you do a test? I'm doing one Saturday. What's the bet I come on before that though. Tut!!
Hi yeh sed neg but been reading up on the kind of bleeding I've been havein which wasn't red was pinkish it says it's best to test five days after so goin leave it nd c wat happens finger crossed for u x
With my other 2 I never did moring wee it was always a about tea time x
I came on last night
R is it bright red it could be implaintion or wat ever u call it keep a eye on it I lasted four days but was pink had one day wen it was red I'm goin wait nw to c if I come on nxt time x
This thing pains I have been trying to have a baby for 7 years last year march I conceived then had a miscarrage when I was 3 months it has been 7 months no luck again this month I have itchy breasts did a test it was negative now I dont know if am preg or not just waiting for the period which is due around the 19 eish the suspense is killing me and everynite I have dreams of being pregnant