Hi ladies - me again! I need your advice on travel systems. We have bought a car seat to go with an 'Oyster' pushchair but decided not to get the lay down pram bit for the pushchair as the lady in Mothercare said the baby will be fine in the car seat for up to 2 hours at a time and that the baby can sit in the pushchair after 6 months. Some things i'm reading are saying that the baby should be able to lay down flat! Help - first time haven't got a clue mum!
Travel systems: Hi ladies - me again! I... - Pregnancy and Par...
Travel systems

I like my baby to lie down wherever possible and only use the car seat on the buggy if I am nipping into the shops or transporting from the car park to tots group. She looks all scrunched up in a car seat.
It is supposedly better for baby to lie flat whenever possible rather than being scrunched in car seat so unless your pushchair can be used from birth in other words lies flat itself then I would suggest a carrycot might be worth it. Obviously individual choice and also depends how often you think baby is likely to be in the pram. xxx
In had talk from physio and they were really against car seat for anything, other than in car. Recommended baby only stays in an hour max too x
Laying flat is highly recommend... something to do with the spine development I heard, if they are all scrunched up for too long it can stop it growing straight... that's what I was told when got my buggy from babies r us x
I hav the oyster and I got the carrycot as people above say.. I literally use the carrycot for the car and if I am nipping into town. Hav a look on ebay u might b able to pick one up cheap or if u dont need it till after xmas then might b sales somewhere xx
I've bought the bebecar ip-op travel system which includes the chair, cot, and car seat. I didn't realise that you could only use the car seat for a limited time, I was hoping to use that a lot as its so compact but I guess I will use the cot instead! I would look on gumtree for the cot part, you often get very good deals and although I've heard the baby quickly out grows the cot, it sounds useful in the first few months
Most carry cots are same size or bigger than moses basket. Shud use tht until 6months. Or unless u hav a pushchair tht lies flat xx
I bought a complete Jane Slalom pro travel system in a roundabout way. Bought the pushchair secondhand in mint condition for £40, the compatible car seat half price in mothercare for £65 and the compatible lie flat matrix car seat (to use as a pram/carry cot) secondhand for £10. Bargains all of them, but different colours! I've also ordered the pushchair raincover and new carry cot mattress for good measure (costing £48).
Grand Total = £163 saving around £500
I suggest you look out for a secondhand compatible carrycot, it will have had limited wear (because people don't use them for long) you can get a replacement mattress, wash the liner etc and it will save you lots of money (if its priced on its own, without the pushchair, people are glad to see them go because they take up space). I found all the secondhand stuff on gumtree which was a lot cheeper than ebay and you can search locally
Thanks a lot ladies, i have got a moses basket , would that be ok when visiting family etc?
Maybe i should have a look on Gumtree or Ebay for the actual pushchair cot for when shopping.
Hi, when we were asking about travel systems in mothercare we were told by the assistant that 90 mins is the maximum time a baby should be in a car seat at one time and to use the carry cot for as much as poss especially when they are new born.