Im 39 weeks + 6 days pregnant today. I dont want to be induced as I want a vbac. And their is a risk of scar rupture if Im induced
Does anyone have any tips/ advice to ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Does anyone have any tips/ advice to bring on labour? Thank you

This question is probably one of the hardest to give just one straight answer as it all depends on what you're capable or willing to do.
Having sex with your partner/husband is probably one of the most common "proven" tips but at this stage of pregnancy you may not feel very "sexual" right now.
Or, rolling & bouncing on a exercise ball may also help to get things ( I.E.. Baby's head) to move down more into your pelvis.
Ive also heard about drinking this Raspberry leaf tea can "apparently" help, Ive personally never tried this but if my Lil girl doesn't show me any signs of wanting to arrive by the end of the 1st week of November i most likely will
Thanks Abenaa. You are right I dont feel like having sex right now. Im just too tired and my body feels achy and in pain. My hubby suggested sex yesterday as we just want our baby to come now. But I turned him down. But tonight when the kids are asleep then we will be having sex asI really want a vbac and him to arrive. I feel like Ive been waiting forever. If that doesnt work then Im gonna try Raspberry leaf tea. Fingers crossed sex will be enough to start of labour.
Thanks hun and good luck to aswell
If your body is ready to go into labour stimulating your nipples (your partner or you if you don't want it to be a 'sexual' thing) can really help - it releases oxytocin which is the hormone you produce if a baby sucks the nipple but also the one which starts labour off. Also do the best you can not to worry about it - I know it is hard when you are trying for the birth you want but the anxiety can stop things kicking off. Also remember that you don't have to be induced anyway - it is your choice, especially with wanting a VBAC as you have said there is an extra risk so you have a good reason to say no. You can have regular monitoring of your baby as an alternative to induction if you do go over 42 wks (which, without the worry of avoiding induction, you probably wont!). This should be offered to you as a matter of course but at most hospitals unfortunately it isn't. It can be a struggle to get your way on this but it IS up to you - I refused induction with my last baby who was born at 40+17, I have a history of 'late' babies and never wanted to undergo an induction again. All the best, hope things start soon. x
Sexs. I would rather have that than all the other rubbish like raspberry tea & pineapple.