hi iv pain for the last 3 days around my belly button and at the top of my stomach its so sore om worried something isnt right im 11 weeks 5 days pregnant iv my scan on monday so nervous im waking at night hoping my baby fine im not bleeding or spotting sometimes it goes to my pelvet bone please can someone tell me what it is
pain for the last 3 days : hi iv pain... - Pregnancy and Par...
pain for the last 3 days

Im not sure what this could be ring your maternity assessment unit at the hospital your booked into and advise them on how your feeling or go to a and e and get checked over there just to put your mind at ease x
It could just be everything stretching! I've had similar sensations on and off throughout the whole of this pregnancy and my mw put it done to this! Are you seing anyone else tomorrow or is it just your scan? X
The natural way of pregnancy is for your body to stretch for the growing baby, unfortunately this is not always very comfortable. The fact that you have no obvious bleeding is a very good sign, however as you are concerned and are having a scan tomorrow it would be good to mention this. Try not to worry and if you need pain relief you can take paracetamol safely
being taking paracetamol for it well say it at my scan thanks alot
Hi. I hope your scan did well and you had some answers for your pains.
I am due in 10 days and I had the same pains in the beginning of my pregnancy and I still do.
My belly is now going down with the weight but the pains on the top of my stomach have not lessen. I did mention this to the midwives (I had about 5 different midwives, which is sooo annoying) and all said is the body stretching.

well do i not out there till tomorrow got dates wrong but well say it good luck to u 10 days aww so nice u wont fell it