i am 10 weeks gone and i have never e... - Pregnancy and Par...
i am 10 weeks gone and i have never experienced any morning sickness. i am worried if everything is alright with me.

I was the same Hun, never suffered any at all- just lots of bloating & tiredness. Everything was absolutely fine at both my scans & I'm now 23weeks with a very active baby
Our bodies handle it all so different, I wondered for weeks if I actually was pregnant as I didn't seem to suffer most of the symptoms you are lead to believe you will definitely get. We should count ourselves very lucky as most of my friends seem to have had the sickness quite bad.
Don't worry I'm sure everything is fine. I had no sickness or anything and breezed through my first pregnancy, but suffered terribly during the first trimester this time. It has no bearing on how healthy your pregnancy is, it's just luck of the draw to how you react to the hormones (or if you like an old wives tale, could indicate you're having a boy )
Think of it as a positive. Enjoy your pregnancy x
I had no morning sickness at all through my pregnancy. People get different symptoms throughout their pregnancies so try not to worry about that
Sorry I'm new to all of this but it actually helps me!
I had a misscarrige a couple of months ago, and fell pregnaunt extremley quick after!
I am now looking at about 6-8 weeks!! Scary!!
Unfortunately the sickness has crept up on me this time!
So count yourself lucky! haha!
I have nothing what so ever before!
People's body's take it differently!
Good luck everyone!
Hello there! I'm 6.5 weeks pregnant and haven't had any morning sickness thankfully. I just get the very occasional wave of nausea which is usually a signal I need to drink some water. My breasts have been very tender until about the last fews days as it seems to have eased off a little thankfully. Still running to the loo fairly frequently though! Someone I know who is 14 weeks pregnant has just had to leave her new job as she's that ill with her morning sickness which lasts all day - poor thing. I'd take it as a huge positive and not worry about it! Congratulations! xxx
Congratulations! I'd count yourself lucky not everyone gets sickness, I'm @ 31 weeks and sick 4 times a day every day, I don't wish it on anyone. Enjoy your luck x
Enjoy! I didn't have any sickness thankfully only had I think three occasions of it and I think that was because I was tired. Friends that have had it, have really suffered, just be thankful. I did feel tired but that was about it. Hope the rest of your pregnancy is trouble free. X
I am 32 weeks and haven't had any sickness whatsoever, not even a sniff of nausea - I thought it was strange in the first few weeks as you automatically assume you'll be sick. When I saw the midwife for the first time and asked her she said some ladies just don't get any - it's all to do with how well your body copes with pregnancy hormones. Just be really grateful - I am so pleased not to have been sick. It's not a sign of how healthy the baby is or isn't. You'll probably have other symptoms / ailments - just enjoy it!
thanks everyone! feeling so relieved
Im now 24 weeks and never had any morning sickness. I remember 2 or 3 days when I almost felrt 'hungover' -just yucky but never nauseas or ever sick. Count your blessings!
Hi, I'm 32+2 and I haven't experienced any sickness. Like Queenie78 I had a few days where I felt yucky but never sick. I did suffer with tiredness and other symptoms though so enjoy it while you can!! X
Everyones different. ...for the whole 9 months I was sick. ...couldn't eat hardly anything towards the end...was extremely jealous of people that had no sickness so make most of it. Since I had my son on tues I hav been able to eat normally for first time since last yr.
Lucky you! Mine lasted week 9-16 and was rotten, so make the most of it!