it some times only last a few but today its been there all day in my lower tummy and lower back last year when i had a miscarriage at 7 weeks i had no cramping but i am worried that the cramping going on is a miscarriage
I am 6 weeks pregnant i have a lot of... - Pregnancy and Par...
I am 6 weeks pregnant i have a lot of cramping going on is that normal

Hi, congratulations! Cramping and period type pain is very nice normal in early pregnancy unless it becomes very painful or/and bleeding. Its a very anxious time until the 12weeks scan even more so when you have been through a mc. Really hope everything works out for you and congratulations again xx
Thanks that makes me more happy Thank you so much this helped me
Hi kat! Congratulations!
I'm also 6 weeks pregnant, I have cramping everyday. I know it's worrying but it's totally normal!
Hi, I am 6 and a half weeks and have had cramping throughout. My mum says she was the same so I'm not too worried. Dr says not to worry unless bleeding. My due date is dec 10th. Fingers crossed for both of us
Thanks this has helped me i have had a good day not worrying today i will keep my Fingers crossed for both of us too Congrats i am wishing for a Boy i have two girls now they are 16 and 18 i know it is kinda silly to be having one this far a part but i am with someone new and he and i want one together the kids are happy for me they want a baby brother they have two brothers with there dad but they dont get to see them it makes them sad
This is my first and I am 36. I have wanted a baby for years but my ex partner wouldn't consider it. When I left him I had two goes at IUI and both failed. I also found out I had low ovarian reserve - ie I had low fertility. I met a new man and two months later got pregnant naturally. Given the fact I thought it would never happen for me I am sooooooo happy and sooooo desperate not to miscarry. It's such an anxious time isn't it x
PS - I don't mind if I have a boy or a girl but I just feel that it's a boy - I don't know why
when i was pg with my first i was thinking it was a boy but turned out she was a girl ever time i had a scann would not let me see what i was having so i did not know and my 2 one i did not want to know tell she was born but this one i want to know i think maybe not i want a boy
Wow 16 years is a very long wait. Congrats to you too - finally. It is so hard waiting to get past these first 12 / 13 weeks. It's all I can think about. I really hope we are both ok x
me to i will keep you in prayer hugs you can add me to facebook if you have one if you like