How long did it take you to get pregn... - Pregnancy and Par...
How long did it take you to get pregnant after you stopped using contraception?

It took me about a week. But that shocked me. I was expecting to have to wait a few months at least! My friends all varied from 4 months to beyond a year. Everyone has different experiences though
I came of the pill last may and I fell pregnant in the august but everyone is different I also was taking pregnacare trying to conceive tablets after the pill I was taking them like the pill same time every day at the same time x
Thanks I've been four months and I was starting to panic a little. i suppose I assumed it would just happen within a couple of months....
I got pregnant the first time while I was still on the pill. Unfortunately that pregnancy ended in miscarriage. But everyone is different especially when it comes to the pill. Sometimes it can take longer for your body to go back to its natural state.
I was on the pill for years,then had an implant for a year,then had cysts removed from both ovaries,then 4months on the pill and when i quit it took us a month.but my doctor gave me a year or two..i was taking folic acid in that like other ladies said everyone is different.good luck xx
I was on the pill for 12 years straight and came of it November last year and fell January this year the key is not to focus on it and have fun trying !! Once you start to focus on it it never seems to happen so relax and I'm sure you'll fall pregnant soon. Least you won't be heavily pregnant in this heat we keep having ( total nightmare) lol cxx
Took me 11 months. Everyones different, they say if nothing has happened in a year then see a health professional x
I took the pill (cerezette) for around 5 and a half years. It took about 5 months for us to get pregnant after stopping the pill.
I wasn't on the pill, just using condoms for the last few years, but had spent many years on the depo provera injection previously. I came off it a long time ago but my periods were seriously irregular ever since, anything from 28-60 days. As such it took us 12 months of no contraception. I was tracking BBT and cervical mucus desperately trying to figure out when I would ovulate, taking Pregnacare conception, eating healthy, cutting out caffeine, and after all that, the one month I forgot to do it (went on holiday, drank and ate too much, didn't record anything), we got pregnant! So I really do believe it will happen when you least expect it, and the stress of worrying is more damaging than anything. I'm still only early, but fingers crossed this was worth the wait. And that your wait isn't too much longer!
It took me 14 months. I think it's natural to think it's going to happen really quickly, but it just doesn't always happen like that. Four months really isn't very long. We had some preliminary tests done after 6 months, then the doctor referred us to a fertility centre after a year. We were waiting for the appointment when I fell pregnant! We did use ovulation tests, but not every month, just to get a better idea of my cycle. The hardest thing is not to get too stressed about it all.
I'd been taking the Pill for 5 years. We decided to start trying so I finished my cycle, had a 'Pill period', then used barrier protection for a month so that I would have a 'proper' period, then stopped using any protection whatsoever....pregnant straight away. We also thought it'd take 3-6months ! Everyone is different.x
I stopped taking the pill in September and was pregnant by November - unfortunately I miscarried. It then took 9 months to fall pregnant again, I think was as one of the other ladies suggested because I was trying too hard! As soon as I focused on something else it happened!
Good luck!
I'd been on the pill for 15 years, stopped taking it in September last year and fell pregnant in February much to our surprise - i was expecting it to take longer. Doctor had said to discuss with them if nothing was happening after 6 months but that was because I am over 35. I also found ovulation testing kits quite useful as long as you don't get too obsessed by them - but it helped to know when i was most fertile. Don't stress - and good luck
Thanks for all your replies, they've been really helpful and calmed me down a little.