Hi all i gave birth 8weeks ago, my little boy will be 9weeks saturday. ive been bleeding for 8 weeks, sometimes it will stop for a week, then start again, or stop for a few days, at my 6 week check i told them that it had stopped because at the time it had stopped. the blood isnt heavy or light its in between and im getting light cramps like period pain. everyone says the bleeding should stop at 6 weeks but mine just hasnt stopped im getting worried. any advice please xxxxx
8 weeks after birth.: Hi all i gave... - Pregnancy and Par...
8 weeks after birth.
I bleed for about 2months after my 2nd. Just keep clean down there and shower every morning and night if possible. The pains you are experiencing are just after pains.
I'm hoping my lochia has finally stopped - LO will be 8 weeks in Monday. Just need to address the rectocoele, cystocoele and lack of bladder sensation and my pelvic floor will be my own again!
The bleeding comes from the healing placental bed. Apparently the more active you are, the longer your lochia will continue. So long as you are not bleeding heavily or passing large clots (signs I'd retained products), it can be normal to bleed for a fairly long time! Hurray for Tesco Thins!!
My wee boy is7 weeks now and my discharge is yellow and has been for two weeks. I wish it wld just end now.