11 days overdue!! Anyone else the sa... - Pregnancy and Par...
11 days overdue!! Anyone else the same??
If I get to that stage ill be tearing my hair out. I really feel for you! I'm due tomorrow and already soooo fed up! Tried everything to get her started but she doesn't wanna budge! I take it you have a date for induction? And good luck!
Oh no- bless you,
these baby's do tend to get a bit too comfortable & for that reason they forget they've got to come out at times.
Have you being offered or being given a membrane sweep ?
if not you might need to contact your local communtity midwife who then can refer you & arrange an appointment for you to get that done.
If you have had the "sweep" you may still need to keep your midwife updated as you may need to be induced.
Have definitely been there in the past but not that far along on this pregnancy. I do remember very well that it is sooo hard and frustrating to wait once you are ready to meet your baby. I was induced for postdates in my first pregnancy at +12 days and declined induction in my most recent pregnancy and went into labour at +17. The experience of being induced wasn't one I wanted to repeat although it seems to go fine for a lot of women (my sister in law has been induced with all 4 of hers) so I am not going to give you an off-putting story. I just wanted to say that your due date is technically the middle of a due month and anytime from 38wks - 42wks is a normal time to go into labour. Depending on the length of your normal cycle a longer pregnancy can be normal. Most babies come before two weeks over anyway and although that time can drive you absolutely mad (!!!) I personally think it is worth waiting to allow your baby to come when they are ready. There is, generally speaking, an increase in risk after 42 weeks so that is why induction is recommended at around that point but you are meant to be offered as an alternative to have your baby regularly monitored to check all is okay and this doesn't always happen. There is no medical reason why an induction should be done before 42wks unless there is some other complication. I am only saying this because I think it's right that people should know what choices they have and induction is presented as an absolute thing you have no choice about. Obviously it is completely down to you and I do understand why most people opt for induction because they are so keen to meet their babies. To me it just meddles too much with what your body is meant to do. Other things you could try are a sweep (as someone has said), a long walk, a curry (everyone knows that one!) and sex or, and this is the only one which I can say has ever helped me nipple stimulation (I didn't try it for ages as it sounded too odd!) where either you or your partner stimulate your nipples for a fairly long time at regular intervals - it creates a release of one of the hormones that start labour. Sorry if that weirds you out but have to pass it on as it actually worked! All the best hope things start soon one way or another - meeting your baby is just around the corner!
Hang in there! Sam was 15 days overdue, although pleased to hear that NanKing was 17- well done! I know what you are going through but they will come when they are ready or failing that induction! Good luck and keep us all posted on your progress x
Thanks Envgirl, you know, as you've been there that it was no fun at the time but worth it! How's it going CDJ? You've gone quiet... maybe your are just avoiding the internet but maybe things have got going?! Fingers crossed for you. x
Been there!i hope you have induction booked.all the best.x