Hi Ladies, Has anyone had sciatica during there pregnancy? I've had it for 12 weeks and i'm 21 weeks and its getting more intense I have got a doctors appointment tomorrow but will they give me anything for it? I'm getting through paracetamol like no ones business, Thanks xx
Has anyone experienced sciatica ?? - Pregnancy and Par...
Has anyone experienced sciatica ??

Yes so know how you feel! Have got it constantly lingering but had it really bad a couple of weeks ago could barely walk, dr prescribed co drydamol with is coedine and paracetamol combined but I also went to see a chiropractor...I would recommend an osteopath as they do both bone and muscle work...u have to take it easy i found resting and sitting on a hot beanbag everyday helped but have to be very careful with hoovering etc...the osteopath is private so you would have to pay but so worth it....hope you get some relief soon x
Oh its awful isn’t it I hoovered yesterday and was in agony, Its really getting me down and people keep saying the doc won’t help and I will have to basically just get on with it but it’s really taking the P**s now, I've had it for 12 weeks and my concern is the bigger I get the worse it will be. I will mention the Co drydamol to my doc and see what he says.
Thanks, it’s nice to know we don’t suffer alone lol xx
Oh yes bloody well pain in the ass! Mine surpassed but if you unfortunate to have it throughout go see chiropractor not fun when u walking normally and suddenly feel like you've been shot it the butt! Lol xx
I think this is what I have got. I said to my mate yesterday who suffers from a bad back that I have got a pain at the bottom of my spine above my ass and he said maybe it was sciatica but he said he gets the pain down his leg as well but I haven't got that.
Yep it's a proper pain in the arse! Lol
Yup :-(. Thankfully, only intermittently at the moment! Yesterday was miserable: sciatica, heartburn and leg cramps all at the same time... :-/. The joys of pregnancy!!
Oh tell me about it no one mentions this lol i also get pins and needles alot which is also unbearable sometimes, ill just see what the doc says but im not gonna let him fob me off which they tend to do alot at my gp
You need to ask the gp to send you to physiotherapy if you don't want to pay privately for osteopathy , you really need some manual therapy otherwise its probably not going to go away sorry
i started with pains in the very bottom of my abdomen on the right side at 14wks pregnant, it soon moved to my back which was a constant ache n now n agen i got a shootin pain down my bum into the middle of my leg. I went to my gp, he referred me to hospital n they just sent me home sayin it was just the weight of the baby pullin down on all my muscles n organs etc. Days passed n pain got worse, i got stuck on the sofa so many times and climbin the stairs was a huge task, i wud scream in pain most days. I went to my midwife n she sed it was sciatica, to take paracetamol n referred me to physiotherapy for exercises. I'd never heard of sciatica b4 so researched it and apparently sciatica is not caused by pregnancy, u wud get it regardless of being pregnant, most times it is misdiagnosed n is most likely to b pelvic girdle pain but only a physiotherapist can diagnose this. I went to c the physio n true to the research it wasn't sciatica it was pelvic girdle pain also known as SPD. She gave me some exercises n 2 supports, a tubigrip tht goes over the bump n down the hips for loungin around in and a belt for wen walkin. She also gave me instructions to rest, n wen i say rest i mean in bed all day everyday only gettin up for the toilet until it feels eased a little then only extremely gentle exercise. 2wks passed n pain was worse, so bad tht i cudn't get out of bed for the loo n had a few accidents, my partner had to pick me up n carry me to the loo most times. I eventually went bk to physio, now usin crutches to aid my mobility n i have to sit n sleep on cushions to support my coccyx bone n right hip. I can only walk a small amount, have good days n bad days but its something tht wont pass til after babys born wen hormones have settled n ligaments strengthen back up which cud b 7 to 10days after delivery. I'm now 33wks, been like this from 14wks and have 7 left. Gets me down, more so cos i've been unable to work due to it so been trapped inside with nothin to do wud say its defo worth gettin a referral to physio, may not get rid of your problem but prevents it gettin worse. I feel alot better than i did all them wks ago x