Hi everyone, hope you are having a nice day . Just wondering what I should do I had my first vaccine about six weeks ago and the card I was given I have lost it , so when I go for my second jab will they be able to give another card with both dates on . Clive X 🤗
Vaccine card: Hi everyone, hope you are... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Vaccine card
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I agree with Jerry, Clive...... but if you had your jab at your GP surgery, it wouldn’t hurt to give them a ring, would it??
Hi Don , had it done in town so hopefully everything should be ok when I go for the second one .
Hi Jerry , I think you are right they will have my notes and I know when I had first one .. thanks Clive.

Yes I think it will be in their records because when I had my first one they had everything on computer and just asked me a few questions.
Not to worry. I had my second one yesterday and was given a card with both dates to keep on me in either wallet or purse. Losing the first card must be a regular occurance as the nurse suggested taking a photo in case I lost it. About to do the same with my new one. Also got a sticker this time which I have stuck on my handbag!
Hi Littleboy, We had our second jabs a week ago and didn't produce our first card. They gave us a flimsy piece of paper and said to transfer the fresh information onto our original cards, so if you find your card you will be ok, but if you tell them, they will probably give you a card with the dates of both jabs. Hope it goes well for you.
Hi Clive, those cards were given to relatively few people when they received their first vaccine dose so they are hardly likely to ever be the document of proof which is being spoken of at the moment. If the idea is taken up, it's going to have to be one universally accepted document which can't be easily copied. And at the moment no one has decided whether it's going to be officially adopted or not. So don't worry.
Thanks Sue x

LOL! My partner has laminated ours!
That's the sort of thing mine would do too MaggieSylvie! 😃
Someone told me to take a picture of mine in case I lost it. But here in the US maybe it's different. Everybody gets a card and the vaccinator said I should keep both as we might need it for a vaccine passport.
It must be on the system, most of the people in Scotland didn’t get a card, hubby just got a letter inviting him to get it done, he didn’t really get a choice of where or time he got done. The letter told him where to go and the time to go. I got a call from my GP asking me to come down which is a five minute walk and my hubby had to drive half an hour away to a large centre. We are now both waiting on the 2 nd call/letter to come in.
I can see records of my CoViD vaccinations on my NHS app, under Your Health / Acute (Short term) medications. It might also be under appointments.
None of the people I know who have had their jabs in Scotland have been given a card with details of their jab on it like my parents and brother in England have, just a leaflet about side effects and the manufacturer's leaflet, so it can't be important.
i am against vacc. I hear so many people took it here i might leave, it saddens.
We all have a choice to make if we have it or not I was mostly against it until a friend died and then it changed my mind. Clive 🙏
I am sorry.I am starting today taking prevetion more seriously.
I believe is some conspiracy for I never hurd about alternative preventions propagated. I started eating garlic - the person who recommended said 5 cloves/ day (raw), and/ or mint essential oil on hands and inhaled also every 15 minutes while out.
If I find the source online I'll update my comment.
Much love

With all respect, garlic will not prevent catching CV-19. The fact that Italy, a country that uses loads of garlic in food, had one of the highest numbers of death, says it all in reply to your post. I’m sorry you are unable to see through some of the harmful propaganda doing the rounds because this is what is contributing to the spread of this virus.
Hi, I showed my card yesterday for my 2nd jab and also got asked for ID, so perhaps would be an idea just to take your passport. Passport in hand I thought for a minute I was off to the airport, wishful thinking! Good luck anyway with sorting it out. Your post was a good reminder, so I've taken a photo of my card. Thanks
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