My cat is at the vets it’s bad news - Positive Wellbein...

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My cat is at the vets it’s bad news

Rachmaninov2 profile image
63 Replies

She only has a couple of months of deteriorating health.

Should I let her go today?

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Rachmaninov2 profile image
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63 Replies
Petrina_gmfc profile image

Hi I think you should as it will not be in pain 😉

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toPetrina_gmfc

Thank you

Petrina_gmfc profile image
Petrina_gmfc in reply toRachmaninov2

You are welcome.

Oh dear Rachmaninov2, what a horrible situation and I feel deeply for you. I have faced this myself in the past, and I did what I hope was best and allowed the vet to stop my cat's suffering. I couldn't say for sure how bad it was, but I certainly didn't want her to be in pain. I can't say it doesn't still come back to haunt me, but overall I think I did what was best for her. I wouldn't jump right into it, but give yourself at least overnight, if that won't cause more suffering, to allow yourself to be a little easier with what has to come.When I think about it now, if I'd been suffering and my cat was in charge, I hope she'd have decided to do what I did.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

I’ve got till 5 o clock

in reply toRachmaninov2

Thinking of you! Listen to your heart! xx 🌸

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

Thank you

goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply toRachmaninov2

So very sorry to hear about your cat,I had to get mine put down 2years this week,she was only 6yrs,She had been showing signs that she was unwell for several months ,before she too the stroke ,which I was not surprised about ,though it hit home and i couldnt bear to see her suffer,but the decision is yours,and I feel you will know what the best decision to make..

Hb2003 profile image

Do you what you feel is right

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Thank you Hiba

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply toRachmaninov2

Your welcome 😄

Nimrod2 profile image

So sorry to hear this. It's really hard. You have to do what you feel comfortable with. Thoughts are with you.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toNimrod2

Thank you

Rachmaninov2 profile image

Thank you Jerry

springcross profile image

Aww R, I'm so sorry to hear about this, my heart goes out to you as I know that feeling well. A couple of months of deteriorating health will probably be so miserable for her but if you feel she still has quality of life, then I would keep her but if not, it would be much kinder to let her go, as much as it's going to break your heart. I hope that doesn't sound callous R, I really do appreciate how you're feeling and I don't envy you right now. Thinking of you. xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image

I asked the vet what would she do if it was her cat she said she wouldn’t let it suffer

Imaaan profile image

I'm sooo sorry that you're facing such difficult times.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toImaaan

Thank you

Prunes profile image

I've faced this three times in the past. It's not an easy decision to make so you have my sympathy.My view was that I wanted to avoid the risk that something might happen to my cat in the night or whilst I was out of the house for instance and that they would suffer until I could get them to the vet.

I figured a few extra days with them wasn't worth that risk.

I'm thinking of you and remembering the heartache; I'm so sorry you are having to go through this.

All the best.

Not an easy choice but as advised previously you don't want to be trying to get an emergency vet in the middle of the night or at weekends if she gets distressed so I’d say with a heavy heart listen to your vets advice.xx so sorry.x

Rachmaninov2 profile image

The vet has told me that she has kidney disease which is causing her to be severely anaemic she also has a urinary tract infection gum disease and toxic build up due to the kidney disease she only has one kidney she’s 12

Jacksc06 profile image
Jacksc06 in reply toRachmaninov2

So sorry to hear this. It seems from what you say she is very unwell, it is not for me to force your hand but when we lost one of our baby's last year with similar problems we spent two full days and nights with her then let her go. Always heart-breaking when this happens. Whatever your decision and it is yours alone, stay strong for her, Best wishes.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toJacksc06

Thank you

honeybug profile image

Ohhh nooo!!! Soooo sorry to hear this R2.


Ask yourself this. If you were her and suffering from these multiple painful conditions with only agony and no quality of life left would you want to be made to endure this until you pass from all of this or would you prefer to be lovingly/ humanely let go???


Best wishes for your decision.

Hugs and prayers for you both.

EJ 🤗♥️🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋🐈‍⬛🐾

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply tohoneybug

Thank you

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply toRachmaninov2

Welcome dear. 💗🌿🥀🙏

Oshgosh profile image

It all depends how she is.Is she in pain .

When my Kylie was I’ll in May- fast growing lump on her side,you could ly stroke her with one finger or she flinched.

She was still eating purring,talking to us.

SoI made an aappointment ,gave her a big breakfast.

Laterwewent to the vets,they were so kind.

It was the first.ockdown,ther took her in ,then brought her out still breathing,so that she died in my arms.inad t been able to cuddle her for months,due to athritis,age -15 and the growth.

We still miss Herand talk about her,she was such a character.

We still have Teddy,his character is totally different .

Whatever you’re to do I’m thinking if you.its such a hard time for you x

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toOshgosh

Yes she is in pain she can’t have the operation to have her teeth taken out now she can’t eat properly she was still purring she is a really sweet little thing

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toRachmaninov2

Aww R, what an absolute shame. xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply tospringcross

Thank you

Oshgosh profile image

Perhaps you could have her home for a day or so and give her soft diet and extra love.They do a very tasty cat soup in B N Mand Tesco.That’s what my son did with his Labrador who had liver cancer.

He was always a greedy dog,before he went to the vets he had one and a half cooked chicken and a eat and potato pie. We miss them both,but have happy memories of them both xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toOshgosh

Thank you

Oshgosh profile image


Dolphin14 profile image

I'm so sorry. Follow your heart. Look at your baby she will tell you what you need to do.

They give us so much love and joy. We have to help them along when it's time


Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toDolphin14

Thank you

13ga profile image

rach - i'm SO VERY sorry to hear this...

but i think the answer to this question must come from you...

for me - it's a question of quality of life... if your cat is in any kind of quality limiting discomfort; then i would say yes - let her go and not suffer.

and if she's happy - then let her be until such time as that changes.

but based on the timeline you've mentioned... it's hard for me to imagine she's in a good place.... only you can judge best....

is she your only pet? how old is she?

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to13ga


13ga profile image

omg - this is nuts... i'm tearing up for you... i must be more an emotional mess than i thought...

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to13ga

Thank you

Oshgosh profile image

Xx I hope you are ok

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toOshgosh

Thank you

Rachmaninov2 profile image

The vet said if it were her she would let her go, so I made that decision. It’s sad to say that when I was shielding during the winter months she became my life. I spent so much time with her and loved her so much. I can’t believe that this morning she went to have her teeth out and was coming home this evening and now she’s gone. I haven’t got words to express how I feel, just an unbearable feeling of sadness for her.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toRachmaninov2

I'm so sorry R, I really wish it could have been a much different outcome for you but you really have done the right thing. You obviously loved her very much, that showed in the decision you made. Time to grieve now, you must let yourself do that, please don't suppress it. You gave her a wonderful life and she repaid you with love and companionship that's something to treasure. Thinking of you. 💛 xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply tospringcross

I don’t know what to do with myself springcross, I’m crying for her and for myself

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toRachmaninov2

Aww R, I wish I could give you a great big hug but all I can give is a virtual one but it's very sincere, I really do know how you're feeling as I've been there a few times and I know just how much it hurts. All you can do now is let it all out when you feel the need as you really don't want to bottle up grief, that's not good for you. You're going through a very natural process which will eventually get easier even though it doesn't feel like that now. All the best to you R, if you need to you know I'm here. 💛 xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply tospringcross

Thank you so much it really does mean a lot to me.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply toRachmaninov2

💛 xx

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply toRachmaninov2

Xx m thinking of you

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toOshgosh

Thank you Oshgosh it helps a lot

Sops profile image

So sorry about your cat. i live alone now but used to be accompanied by a majestic ctream Persian.she became ill aged 14yrs and deteriorated very quickly. My son drove up from university in Wales to go with me to the vets and we were told the worst. We could not live with her in-pain and so she was put down. we were very upset and have never forgotten or replaced her. Sending you love at this very hard time.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toSops

Thank you so much Sops, I m very sorry about your lovely cat. We had a daily routine which occupied a lot of time, I feel at a complete loss as she gave me a reason to keep going every day. How do you cope with all the emotions which surface afterwards.

in reply toRachmaninov2

You think you never will,my wee daisy was 16 when I had to have her put to sleep it was heartbreaking and happened at a particularly bad time in my life,I’d just suffered a brain injury in a fall and struggled myself getting through day to day and Daisy was my rock I’d bought her as a puppy at 8 weeks old, even my cats knew she was poorly and it was her time to leave us,they were a rough and tumble bunch but never ever did that with Daisy they knew she was an old lady.we do out best to make their lives happy and comfortable and they repay us with the love and joy they give us so it’s then our responsibility to return that when they need us most but it’s never easy my heart really does hurt for you but your tears of pain will turn to tears of happiness somewhere down that line when you think of your memories you shared with her,trust me.I have four hooligans cats now left that I love dearly and dread that day,but we have to deal with it dont we and you’ve did the right thing by her so focus on the happy things and don’t make yourself ill,that’s the best advice I can share now.take care xx

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

I’m so sorry that you had to reach that decision Daisydot, I don’t know if we realise at the time how much we rely on our pets for emotional support and comfort, it’s a two way thing. I’m grateful for your words of encouragement and I hope your four cats go on to live long and happy lives. Thank you.

Sops profile image

I never told anyone this but I shouted at the vet when he said have are you ready, ( i think he was trying to be kind) and I was really vitriolic, my husband had died 6 weeks before, and my lovely cat had sat on his chest curled up the whole time for weeks before he finally went to hospital. My son was shocked, he had never seen me in a state before. Probably why I have never had another pet. Go with what is in your heart, and have happy memories, my cats photo is on my fridge door, and the elderly poppy seller for my area asks how she is keeping every year she calls for a donation despite me telling her(, she is about 90 yrs! )Hope this rambling might help. i truly know what you are going through.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toSops

Such a terribly difficult time for you to have to lose both your very much loved husband and your beloved cat within 6 weeks. Pets also give back so much love and affection. There are no right words that anyone can say when speaking to someone who is going to lose their pet or has just lost it. When speaking to someone at the vets yesterday she asked me ‘so I can confirm that you are happy for us to euthanise your cat’ half an hour beforehand. I had to tell her that no I wasn’t happy and that if speaking to someone else in my situation it may be better not to use the word happy. At the moment I don’t want any reminders as it is too painful, although everywhere I look I can see her. You have not rambled, your communication is coloured by empathy for which I can’t tell you how much it’s appreciated.

Sops profile image
Sops in reply toRachmaninov2

Thank you, that means a lot, what was sai to you was totally inappropriate.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toSops

You are emotionally raw at times like that, and what makes it so much more difficult is that you are expected at the same time to deal with authorising payment etc!!

G1llHa1n profile image

You did the best you could having got best professional care and advice. Be comforted by that. Grieve - then think about whether you want to honour your cat's memory by choosing a successor. Look after yourself as you go through this time.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toG1llHa1n

Thank you G1llHa1n, it all turned out such an awful muddle that I don’t think I’ve absorbed it yet. I appreciate your good wishes.

S11m profile image

I took my cat (my avatar) to the vet, as he was off his food - and he had a tumour the size of an orange, so I let him go. He was great company for me when I was between wives - but in 2016, cancer took my late wife too.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toS11m

So sorry for the loss of your wife S11m, and your cat. I know a pet can provide so much comfort and company for us it can leave such a huge hole in our lives when they are gone. I hope you are doing OK now.

Carol41 profile image


Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply toCarol41

Thank you Carol

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