Went to local shops, didn't hang around as we're all meant to be staying in in Bristol due to the new variants. Finished the bathroom, I've decided not to do anymore updates as I'm finding this lockdown very difficult to deal with, and health issues have flared up, not even sure whether to stay on the community or leave for a while 😊🌈☹️STAY SAFE AND WELL
3 February 2021 what's anyone done to... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
3 February 2021 what's anyone done today

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Finished off my book the cake shop in the garden by Carole Matthews had an early walk, applied for some jobs, listened to music and did some Scottish gaelic lessons as well and interview preparation for tomorrow at 12.
Hello Jennymary, I feel a bit like you so understand your feelings. I have been unwell since having the vaccine but much better now. I'm trying to stay positive but its quite draining at times and living alone is quite isolating. Take a break if you feel it would help. Or like others on here, just read the emails members post and catch up with everyone when you feel more up to it. I always enjoy reading your posts. Hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes, Cx
Today this is what happened. I played a game of classic Uno and higher or lower with a disability support worker. Then we finished the session up with a easy game of Scrabble. We also talked about life as we played games. After four or three hard weeks of having no traditional support over January etc it has restarted again this week for real.
Hi Jenny
I too have found myself to be a lot more stressed with the new variants and the negative news stories. We must remember that the media will 'grab' on to every story they can and use their own words to sell their papers/articles.
The vaccines that are being rolled out are doing incredibly well and have been shown to work against the variants.
I have and am finding this forum very supported and it's comforting in a way knowing we're all in this together.
You have to do what's right for you but this forum and it's supportive members will always be here, we're all here for each other.
Take care and stay safe and well.
Alicia xx
Just take a break Jennymary 🙏 I do! And then come back now and then! Just please relax! You are not a radio station having to report about your life every hour! I find lockdown hard too! Hope you feel better soon and don't let flare-ups get you down okay 🤗🤗🤗 Hugs

Following some early morning exercise and breakfast, I had a nap. Lunch was ham and cheese toasties. I completing painting a picture, "The evening of the day" (a line from a Marianne Faithful song), which is posted elsewhere. After a dinner of fish, chips and mushy peas (homemade -- I do all the cooking in the W household), I had a Welsh class in which we were launched into past tense.
It must be extra hard to be in an area where the new virus variant is keeping you indoors even more. I'm sure it's best not to prolong visits to shops. I'm not surprised that you are struggling with the current lockdown. It is really difficult this time around. But you do a great job in keeping yourself busy Jennymary.I only got through about half of what was planned yesterday. For some reason I was really tired, and the thought did occur to me that it might be the tiredness that's been mentioned as a possibility after the covid vaccination. It was day 5 post injection, so it could be. I napped several times and felt devoid of energy, but feeling fine today and preparing to catch up with some chores now! Take care Jennymary, and hang in there. Stay tough! 👍😊
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