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White rabbits!

ShelWhitt profile image
49 Replies

I think this is the first time I have managed to say this first thing in the morning, ever, and I am 78 years old! How sad is that! Moving on, Good morning to you all. Have not posted recently as been having yet another bad spell. They seem to be getting ever more frequent and longer lasting the older I get. Would have been nice to hear from some of you though , it does lift the spirits when you are feeling a bit down. Anyway, it is a really pleasant morning , so far, bit of sunshine and dry; and the good news is I am finally going to get my vaccination today; so am feeling fairly positive at the moment. Sad to hear about Captain Tom , sending him best wishes and hope he recovers soon. I have got to the stage where I am trying to limit listening to the news, to only once a day, as I feel like I am almost being brainwashed on a daily basis, and not in a good way!It is so depressing, in spite of the vaccine toll out. Sorry , and no disrespect to all those who are suffering and /or have lost relatives or friends, but I am finding it ever more difficult to feel positive after being shut in for almost a year and feel we all really do need some good news for a change. Keep smiling and stay safe. xx

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ShelWhitt profile image
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49 Replies
starveycat profile image

I know to wash my hands, wear a mask, and keep my distance I'm fed up with being told. And the damn weather doesn't help but if you watched the antiques program on TV Sunday night they were in a garden. The flowers, lawn beautiful cheered me up no end. The days are lengthening daffys and snowdrops are arriving, life , although it will be different us starting again yippee

"A flick and a kick for being so quick" Shelwitt! I'm so sorry to hear that your health hasn't been so good again just lately so well done for managing to post here again and so sorry if you've been feeling a little neglected by the forum. Sometimes it's a little difficult to keep up to date, with so many members popping in and out. Please, if you feel a bit ignored in future, just post a few words asking us to stay in touch.

It is very bad news about Captain Tom and it will be wonderful if he can make a recovery and bounce back.

I'm convinced your plan to watch as little news as possible is a good one, and I've been following the same policy to keep me sane. The necessary bits do still filter through, even if you watch no news at all.

Take care, and it's good to have heard from you again. Continue to stay safe, and I hope, well too. 🙏🌈😊

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hi there. Good to hear from you. Thanks. xx

Hello again I've just tried on marnies to you so glad you want to join in it cheers us all up, I'm sorry your struggling but better times ahead, I have been lockdown for a year too apart from a short reprieve and I try and get to park walking but it's hard lately hope you will check out some of my posts the photo ones and there's some amusing ones of pixie 🐆😸I did a walk post this morning but it's a bit grim just been honest I've had to give up park on weekend at least as too many people not social distancing and joggers even my street walks I end up on the road, bit hey better times ahead nearly spring take care and let us know how your jab goes mam had hers was safe and only waited 2o minutes xx. Please tap to enlarge or with mouse if computer hope cheers you up

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Lovely. Really relaxing for some reason! Thanks. x

MadBunny profile image

I try to avoid the news as much as possible as it's so negative and miserable.I'm getting part 1 of my vaccine ok after today. I was very pleased when I first got my appointment and I'm still glad to be having it but to be honest, I'm still feeling down about the whole thing and will be so glad to see family and friends again.Take care and stay safe. 🐰

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to MadBunny

It is the trying to stay positive that is wearing thin!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to ShelWhitt


HiI'm so sorry you have not been well. Hope you improve very soon. I will send you a PM. Did you receive the one I sent a few days ago?

Take care and stay safe Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hi Lynne. I seem to be totally out of touch recently. Don't know whether it is me or the technology, but hopefully I am once again back in the loop. Good to hear from you. Hope you are feeling' as well as can be expected' and managing to keep positive. I think we are all getting worn down with it all. The sun shining today helped but snow is forecast again for tomorrow. I had my first jab today and am trying to think that this is the beginning of the way forward. Take care and stay safe. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you!! Yes, it's just very tiring xxxx💜🤗💜🤗

in reply to

Hi Lynne shell whit popped on marnies hyacinth post she was trying to understand it me and mad bunny explained about it as she said likes and needs a laugh I came on it by chance as was late and yesterday morning too really cheered me up did you see the bath pictures and the black n white cat he wanted me to adopt lol pixies sneezing but was out too long yesterday morning he's had cold before, mam's anxieties bad again with the African strain I'm looking to go back home as she worries everytime I go out and we keep clashing over silly things pixie got upset too as I had to move him off her bedroom chair and bed hope you got some sleep I slept from about ten woke up once went back it's 5.3o let pixie down so I'll get another 2 hours many probably won't sleep,have a peaceful day luv Mandy and pixie 💛🐆😊🛌🌈🌝🌟I saw the big moon yesterday it's getting smaller now xxxxx

in reply to

HiThank you. I got to sleep about 5ish and was awake again by about half 6 👎 a lot of pain last night but that's nothing new. Hey ho, get to keep smiling 😊 hope pixie is ok, you said she's been sneezing. Yes, saw shell whitt. I did see bath pictures etc. I need a laugh like we all do at the moment.

Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗🌈🌹 😊👍🌈❤️ xxxx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hi Curly. I am so envious of your being able to sleep so long!xx

ShelWhitt, I'd been doing a much better job of relegating my media news reading and watching to once/day until things heated up here in the U.S. leading up to and following the presidential election. Told my daughter the other day I was going to "reinstate that media news restriction" because I'd found myself flipping on and off news channels throughout the day. Just restarted the plan and have to admit it has been much harder than I first thought to go back to just 1/day viewing but doing so has improved my spirits.

Think this is the first time I've visited with you so sending you a new "hello". The sheer number of posts can sometimes overwhelm me so I just go through deleting them all from time to time.

One thing I've learned from being a member of various groups for years is that the more actively I participate, the more "included" I feel and more responses to my posts may come.

While I sometimes feel guilty for not reading every post, I tell myself that I joined the groups to learn and share and so they are there to serve an individual purpose and not intended to become an additional burden. Sometimes, too much of anything for me is just too much. Smiles

Congrats on getting your first vaccine today! Hope you'll let us know how your experience goes. I've had my first with no adverse effects at all and am eager to get my second, Moderna on Feb. 5th. Take care.

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to FlowerPreciousLover

Thanks for you response. Always nice to hear from a new voice, even it is from across the pond. We are after all, all in this together. I know what you mean with the news reports, so depressing. My jab was fine. So here's to the next one. Stay safe and tke care. x

springcross profile image

Hi ShelWhitt. I'm sorry to hear you're having another bad spell, it never rains does it! I hope your head has healed well and you can say goodbye to that worry once and for all. Have you had your vaccination yet or is that to come later today? I had mine on Saturday morning. It is a shame to hear about Captain Tom but hopefully, that strength and determination will still be there as it was when he was doing his walking for the NHS Charities Together and so hopefully he will come through this 🙏. I think the lockdown has affected most people the same, I know it has made me a recluse and even when I have to go out for medical appointments, I don't really want to as I don't enjoy it too much now with all the worries about doing so. Take care and stay safe. xx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to springcross

Hi springcross. Thanks for responding. Yes, I think my head is OK. I still have a bald circular patch on the top of my head, but at least it is winter and I can get away with wearing my beany hat when I go out. I think, fingers crossed, as it is difficult to see, that my hair may be starting to grow back! Other than that I try not to think about it as there is more than enough other bad news. I know what you mean about going out, I think I am losing some of my confidence, if that doesn't sound too melodramatic . I can quite understand why there is so much focus on people's mental health as I definitely think the isolation is having an effect. Here's hoping things start to improve soon! Stay safe. x

I'm so sorry your healthy hasn't been so good lately and hope that it improves soon.

I'm not listening or ready the news very much now I have to admit, I also find it depressing. What I do find positive though is the speed in which people are being vaccinated and that there is also a nasal spray which could help a lot, more to come on that one I think.

What I find difficult is when I am out, I've been the one doing the shopping and hubby just goes out to check on his 91 year old mother who lives up the road from us, is that people don't seem to want to keep their distance. I go out power walking as I'm fortunate enough to live in the countryside but I had to ask a couple today if they could walk in single file as the road was narrow, I really don't understand people. I'm constantly keeping out of the way and when in a supermarket I wait until the person in front of me has made their choice.

We are in a much better position now though because of the vaccine and it'll mean that in a few months time we'll be able to go out and hopefully when nearly everyone has been vaccinated we may not have to wear masks either. We are going the right way now, we aren't just coming into this pandemic, we are on the way out.

Take care

Alicia 🌹

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hi Alicia. I love your positive stance. I must admit I feel better today with the sun shining. We do manage some very short walks occasionally, and today was one of those days, and I know what you mean about folk social distancing. Snow is forecast for tomorrow so back to winter for a while. Stay safe. x

in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you, it can be hard at times but I then remind myself on how fortunate I am to have my health and able to exercise. I find that getting out in the fresh air makes me feel better.

I'm really glad you got out today but hope the snow forecast doesn't last too long.

It's the last month of Winter now, the clocks change next month so we're looking at Spring.

Take care and stay safe.

Alicia xx

in reply to

HiI don't think I've looked forward to Spring so much before. With all the vaccinations going on let's hope we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel at long last.

I'm very tearful at the moment and I'm sure it's because I've been isolating since last March except for the end of August/ beginning September when I went shopping twice when people went out to restaurants. We certainly didn't do that!!!

Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx 😘♥️🌻🌈🌹💜

in reply to

That's the same with us shielding since last march and some moan about a months lockdown I understand young UN's find it a shock a lot are hormonal but I've found there's good and selfish in young and all ages some young ones are so nice and move aside and thank us for moving aside, some people are just oblivious that anyone else except them exists 🤯🌈🌟🌝💛xxx

in reply to

HiYes, I think it's all age groups. My friend was with her daughter who has a white stick because she is nearly blind. An older couple nearly knocked her over but a you g couple moved to one side and were shaking their heads at the older couple.

Thinking of you as always

All my love Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

in reply to

I've always looked forward to Spring Lynne but as you so not quite as much as I have this year. I really do hope we are seeing the worst of this virus disappear because, as you say, with all the vaccinations taking place now there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm so sorry Lynne you are feeling like that, I have to admit I've been struggling this time round even though I've been out walking, it's just the fact that there is no freedom, we can't go wherever we want to . I would normally be meeting friends for coffee during the week but of course that's not happening. It really is just the simple things in life that I miss. We didn't go into restaurants either.

Lots of love and take care Lynne, you are among friends here xxxx💖💖💖🌈🌈

in reply to

Thank you so much for your kind words, much appreciated. Lots of love Lynne xxxx ❤️💜

in reply to

You're welcome Lynne and I wish I could be there for you xxxx💜💜💜💘💘

in reply to

Aww, bless you. You have been there for me. Thank you 🌈😊❤️💕😊🌹xxxx

in reply to

Bless you, hugs xxxx💜💜💘💘

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❤️🤗💜🤗 xxxx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hello Lynne. Sorry you are having a rough time. I think we are all being affected mentally . Thank goodness for the on line friends. At least we have chance to vent and know we are not being judged only being understood from like minded folk. I spoke too soon after my jab. Had it Monday and was in bed all day Tuesday. Really horrendous migraine, nausea and stomach pains. Slept on and off for over 12 hours and only had sips of water to drink and you know me, normally lucky to get4 hours sleep. Didn't twig at first just thought it was another fibro flair, but hubby said did I think it could be after effects of jab - and the penny dropped. Also - put it down to brain fog, or sheer carelessness - didn't check the card I was given when I had the jab, just put it in my bag, and nothing was said about it to me. Anyway it turns out I had the Oxford vaccine which they had started giving out on that day . DH has had the phizo (I know that isn't how you spell it but gone brain dead) so I don't know if that has any bearing. Not too happy about not being told. ( I know it shouldn't have make any difference but I was dubious about taking up the jab in the first place as I have so many side effects with things.. I assumed I was having the same one as DH, and friends and neighbours, who had already had it with no side effects and this helped to convince me to have it too. I think I would have refused if I had been aware at the time I was getting a different vaccine. I know that might seem a stupid reaction to have and as irrational as it seems, it is how I feel. I know it is all my own fault, |I should have checked, but it is too late now. It is just something else now throwing me off kilter. as I am worrying about the follow up jab. This anxiety and stress is no joke. Sorry to burden you yet again. It seems to be the story of my life recently. Stay safe and keep in touch. Love and hugs. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

I'm so so sorry you have been feeling so rotten. My friend's husband had the Oxford one like me and he had every side effect there could be. He said I feel so rotten I can't imagine how people feel who have got covid-19. I do hope you see some improvement very soon. I'm here if you need me.

All my love Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗🌈🌹

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Thank you Lynne. Fortunately it seems to have only been one day, but I am quite scared at the thought of the second one,. I suppose I will just have to bite the bullet and get on with it when the time comes. I take it you were fine with the Oxford vaccine, thankfully. Trouble with me nowadays I tend to get a bit paranoid as things seem to go pear shaped with me all the time lately!xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you. I think it was because of all the meds I'm on that stopped me getting any side effects . I had the Oxford one I'm glad it was only a day

My friend's husband was ill for a week xxxx💕❤️🌹🌈

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to


in reply to ShelWhitt

Yes!!! Xxxx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Onwawrds and upwards! Come what may!Sending hugs Lynne. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Sorry for late reply but I've been in bed all day. Pain worse than ever.Yes and thank you.

How are you feeling tonight?

Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗🌈🌹

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hi Lynne. Sorry you are having another bad day. We seem to be going round and round in circles. Hope you at least managed some sleep. and feel a bit better today. I've been up again since 4.30. I know a lot of mine is stress. Hubby on and on at me (not his fault - his illness) asking questions I've already answered ; or don't or couldn't possibly know the answers to! Computer playing up for a couple of hours- but thankfully back on track now!And then to top it all problems with central heating. Think I will have to get the plumber in. I seem to be forever sorting problems out. On top of that , doesn't help that although our finances are all in order and straightforward, DH doesn't get it, even though I have written it all down and explained things , he is constantly worrying what he will do if anything happens to me. Which is not exactly reassuring! Sometimes I think I am living in a nightmare! It can only get better. Bring on the light nights and some sunshine! Sending hugs. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you. No sleep last night but I was in bed most of yesterday. In pain now but that's nothing new!! I really hope you see some improvement soon.

Yes, roll on Spring. The nights are getting lighter 🙂

I'm sending you a PM

All my love Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗🌈🌹

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Hope you are feeling a bit better Lynne and managed to get some rest at least. It is miserable here, been raining all day.Trying to decide whether to try and get a nap, start a new jigsaw or go back to televiewing . I don't know about anyone else but I am starting to feel disorientated at times. Don't know whether I mentioned it, but without particularly noticing we seem to have lost touch with people. I discovered on facebook the other day that one of my DH's cousins is now living in Spain and has been for some time by all accounts.. Not a big deal in itself as we didn't really keep in close contact, but previously he did live in the same village and we did bump into one another occasionally. Not only that but his sister has apparently died, and it must have been at least 18 months ago. Now her, until about five years ago, we did see quite a lot of, in fact we bumped into her the last time we went to the theatre a couple of years ago now, and had a right chinwag during the intermission. What is so bizarre is that years ago the family were close and saw a lot of one another, and with DH's large extended family, nearly all living in the same village, there is no way any one of them could have died and been buried without some family member letting the others know. It is very sad really! Sorry I've been rambling again! stay safe. x

in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you.I'm in a lot of pain right now. My bladder area/ urethra are very sore probably because I'm having to strain so much to have a wee , because I'm not emptying properly my consultant said it will back up into your bladder but also my kidneys could end up getting damaged!! How wonderful!! I'm lucky though because my consultant is lovely and she had a lovely bedside manner. I'm seeing my Dr on Tuesday morning, she wants to try and help me until my next hospital appointment.

We have all managed to stay in touch which I'm thankful for and I know this is fortunate too. I do hope you manage to get back in touch with DH.'s family.

Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗🌈🌹

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Thanks Lynne. Sorry you are having such a rough time at the moment. I have to go for another blood test for my thyroid on Tuesday. I had a full blood test at end of December and asked for the results. Not holding my breath but think I might need my dosage changing. It hasn't been checked for over a year as I have been trying to keep away from docs. Apart from the bald patch on top of my head (which I think is finally improving) I seem to be losing hair all the time , so think that could be my thyroid. Also a bit worried as my CKD2 has gone to CKD3b but doc didn't seem overly concerned. I don't know about you, but I can't remember what it was like to get up and feel well, and not be constantly focusing on my health problems. I try not to talk about how I feel and just get on with it (apart from on here, of course) but DH seems to think I need to a have a daily run down of how he is, every morning. I do love him really, and I know he does his best, but much like your hubby we are in a situation we didn't sign up for and it is unchartered territory. All we can do is our best!Love and hugs. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

HiYes, I try and not go on about my health problems because it wouldn't be fair to do that. I know my hubby feels helpless at times but I say you have always been there for me through thick and thin. I've been on that side of the coin so I do know how he feels. My family and friends and of course everyone on here are absolutely fantastic. It's great how we all help each other.

Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗 💜🤗🌈🌹

in reply to ShelWhitt

Hi again the sun makes all the difference I was in it ages yesterday just stood in the empty field watched couple dogs it made me remember life before lockdown when I went to throw ball for a spaniel I was going to get a pup off pets bring so much and fun and comfort hard work too tho 🙀do you have any 😸xx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Sadly no. Unfortunately, due to both having multiple health problems, we wouldn't be able to cope with one now. My husbands family had always had dogs - his parents bred Old English Sheep Dogs - and when the girls were young they all tried to persuade me it would be a good ides to get one. But I wasn't keen , as we both worked, Eventually, however, they won me over and we had a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. From the day she was brought home, she was my dog. Straight on my lap when I sat down .I loved her to bits. We had her sixteen lovely years. When she died (must be thirty years ago now) the girls wanted DH to get me another, but I said no. I was so upset when we lost her I didn't want to go through that again. Trouble is they become part of the family. I definitely know the benefits they can bring. Pluses and minuses!

in reply to ShelWhitt

Hi I'm sorry about that I've always had cats lost 2 brother sister 8 and 5 years ago then I got pixie and loved again hope you sleep well I'm tiredout night night hugs from Mandy and pixie xxx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Sending hugs back. Hope you and pixie sleep well! Lovely to hear from you any time! xx

ShelWhitt profile image

Yes, thanks. Jab went fine. The sun has been shining today, which always helps. Also had a short - very short as DH has difficulty walking - walk and a socially distanced friendly chat with a neighbour on our way back, so all in all quite a good day. Here's to hoping it lasts! Meals out and trips, what are they??? God willing we will find out again soon! Sorry you are having a rough time too, we seem to lurch from one crisis to another. I thought there was light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccine, but these new strains seem to be throwing another spanner in the works, unfortunately. I don't know what it is but whenever I post I seem to be continually using cliches - just bear with me. Hope you feel a bit better tomorrow and stay safe.

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