Although I lived there for seven wonderful years, I have never before dared paint Nevis. I think I was scared that it would ruin the dream-like memories. I am, however, pleased with this, my interpretation in watercolour, wax crayon, oil pastel and acrylic ink. I hope you like it. By the way, I never did climb all the way to the top and see the elfin forest there.
Nevis Peak -- the Jewel of the Caribb... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Nevis Peak -- the Jewel of the Caribbean

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Amazing artwork 😍 ❤️🙌🏻
That's such lovely artwork Brent. We, my hubby, both daughters and our son in law climbed Ben in 2007, it was stunning.
I have never even seen Ben, CrazyFitness, though I would like to. Nevis, in the NW Caribbean, is pronounced Knee-Vis, and was named by Christopher Columbus. It translates, I am told as Snow, and refers to the white clouds that over the mountain almost every day.
It's stunning Brent.
Thank you for telling me about Knee-Vis and sharing the link, how beautiful. What a place to live. Your artwork is beautiful🙏.
What a fabulous mixed media work BrentW. Lovely as the entire whole result is, I am fascinated by the ocean in the foreground. How did you achieve those fascinating swirls?
I painted a graduated wash of cerulean blue into ultramarine and then indigo. While it was still wet, I stretched a piece of clingfilm over it to produce the pattern. Once that was dry (it took nearly an hour), I peeled off the clingfilm and picked out highlights using violet watercolour and (later) white acrylic ink. The last bit needs a little more explanation, but that was basically it. I was so excited at the wavy pattern it made. It brought to mind the weather forecast transmitted every day for fishermen on VON (Voice of Nevis) radio-- "Seas 1 to 1.5 metres in sheltered areas, up to 3 metres in open water."
Not only a successful technique, but a lovely memory too!
Very nice, thanks.
👍👍👍🙂 Sorry if I'm 10 months late, don't even know if you'll see this, given the Forum is shut, but thought I should explain why I've been liking a lot of your paintings today. I have been revisiting the ones I have liked previously, and taking in the ones I have missed, as I have started exploring Watercolour myself, tentatively.
So there you go, I have found inspiration in your works and techniques!
Hope you are well, and keeping up the great work!
Hello niao have you heard PWB is closed for good so not sure how we can still message hope your coping with your health issues the swimming is helping me oh it's mad Mandy 😁😻💛

Hi Mandy. I hope you, Pixie and Mum are well. Glad the swimming is helping you.
I had presumed PWB had had its day, given the length of time it had been closed. Such a shame!☹
I haven’t been great and don’t go on any of the Forums anymore, I only came on to get some inspiration from Brent's paintings and see how he tackled skies, after churning out some pretty horrendous renditions myself! I was automatically pressing like on his posts, but not sure what prompted me to write something as I wasn’t really expecting it to register. Weird that!🤔
You look after yourself and keep safe!
Hi thanks pixies fine I'm so so as usual think tech hitch as we're not supposed to be able to use it now u looked to do a main post earlier and it came up all ready for me but had 2nd thoughts I'd probably get banned lol again I'm banned from healthy eating so is bazzak mad bunny and marylin for having laugh it's reall strict on there Jerry's left the whole site said doesn't need it now think all the problems and bickering before let's face it who would want to be admin with all that crap, xxx
Just testing lol strange it's still working 😂😂😂
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