Another Story.....: Dear All, Since... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Another Story.....

AndrewT profile image
2 Replies

Dear All,

Since 'Everyone' seemed to enjoy, my recent, Short Story I thought that I might have another 'Go'.....

Looking round, for a moment, a little confused finally Barry declared "This way, of course it is, I should recognise 'his' home Area shouldn't I?" "Are you 'Sure' Barry" asked Mary, she had know his 'Certainties' before, she should- they had been Married forty-two years..... On this occasion though Barry Was right, and soon they were Pulling into Angus's driveway.

Angus, a Scotsman- complete with Kilt- opened the door, to his 'Sassenach' friends "It's nice t'see yo 'al!" he said in his broad Scottish brogue "did ye harve eenie trouble wuth the Traffic, atul?" John answered, for the group "No, not really, just 'the usual' around Birmingham and Glasgow. Apart from that it was quite good really, it took about five hours- including a 'longish' stop"

The group of friends Barry, Mary, John- along with the two Toms, father and son (known as Big & Little... even though 'Little Tom' towered over his Father) all went into Angus's large hallway. Mary nudged her husband asking "Do you know were the 'Loo' is Darling, I'm absolutely Busting". "Angus my Scottish Friend" The man looked up "Do you have any Lavatories, in these parts, or have we ALL got to use the pond?" said Barry. "Ooock eye'm so sorry, mie darlins, follow mee" replied a, slightly embarrassed Angus.

Before long the, somewhat relieved, group were sitting in Angus's 'plush' Living Room- complete with a 'Moose's Head' pinned to the wall, and Tartan rugs, chairs and drapes. Most important was the 'lovely' Log Fire, in the large hearth, a 'Blaze' to warm a 'King' or, in this case, a group of 'road weary' friends. Angus had offered 'Drinks' and, perhaps surprisingly, Mary had 'joined the boys' with a Malt Whisky. The remainder having accepted either Sherry or Coke, although Little Tom, had asked for a Larger. After about forty minutes, long enough to be thoughly warmed, Angus had announced "Dinner is Served, mie darlins, forlow mee".

Angus led the Group past Display Cabinets, showing books, cups, swords, shields- and even a gun, or two. Finally they all entered The Main Hall, the group letting out a collective "Wow!" as they entered. The room, must have, been forty foot long, and almost as wide, the ceiling above nearly thirty. The Room was 'Decorated', if you could call it that, with huge tapestries- depicting wars, churches, field, landscapes, huge boats- moored in harbours- flying machines of all descriptions..... The carpet was, at least, four inches thick in Tartan colours. Huge lamps lit the room, flags hung from the ceiling and If Anyone had though the 'Last' fire was big!

In the middle of the room stood a Huge dining table, set out for a 'Banquet'. "Will ye noo sit doon, all ov yoo" said Angus, appearing at the doorway with another man. "This iz ma Cook, Mc Tavish- Hee's now baad reely- mind yoo I'll let yoo decide."

The Friends sat around the table, Angus having put Name Tags on the chairs. Angus had clearly 'done some research', regarding his friends. The two Tom's were served, a large 'Toad In The Hole', to share. While Mary & Barry were served a Chicken Curry each. John joined Angus with a 'Haggis, Tatties and Neaps' meal. All the food was 'washed down' with several Large Flagons of Beer. Dessert followed a 'Scottish Favourite', according to Angus. Most found the 'Delicacy' Rather Strange- to say the least. "What exactly Is this Angus" Little John finally asked. "Oooh That, nooo let me think...that is.... 'anngg on I'll have it in a minit owr too.... oooh Eye, I remember noo, that's the 'Chocolate Moooose an custurd Trifle, with the Sprenkles. A specialete ov ma Coook''. The rest of the guests exchanged 'Looks', before ALL putting down their spoons. "Yoo al 'Doon'?" enquired Angus "Reet then Al inta the 'Atrium' then".

Once again Angus led, the group, along- seemingly endless corridors into an 'Open' area, in which there were a number of 'Easy Chairs'. Not exactly an 'Atrium', in the 'Recognised' sense, but, none the less, a Pleasant area- again a fire, was 'Raging' in the grate. Angus 'disappeared', for a short time, before 'reappearing' carrying a tray of glasses. "One ov mie owwn 'Brews' this...Dunnie worry it's alcohol free". Angus's 'brew' was, in fact, a Fruit Mixture.... and Very Good it was to! Angus continued to Offer It Round, and pretty soon, the whole two litres was gone.

Finally Big John spoke "Angus I know that I speak for 'us all', when I say How Much we have ALL enjoyed your hospitality, but we have to be Making A Move soon. Jackie is visiting her Mother- actually we all are- and we said that we would be 'There' by now....." "Oook ya shood hav 'said', ya silla fool... he's me blatherin' away....".

Angus led, the group- via the toilet- to the Front Door. "Ahs bin grate seein' ya al, eet really haz. Ye must coom back someteem" called Angus as they all 'bundled' out.

Jackie 'took the wheel', for the thirty minute drive, to her parent's house. The Group arriving 'Happy, Very Well Fed' and totally exhausted! It wasn't long before they were all, fast asleep, in their beds -The End of a Very Long day.

A 'touch' longer, than my first Attempt but I think it Works Well. I'm, particularly pleased, with my descriptions of Angus's House... Mansion, more like!

Let me know what you all think, be honest....


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AndrewT profile image
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2 Replies
Suffolklady profile image

Brilliant. I felt I was actually there, and I wish I was!

That was really good Andrew, you should be writing a book. Awesome📖📖

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