Hello, in the midst of all the troubles now in the world I have to recommend a novel to anyone feeling very down. I admit I enjoy light reading especially romances. I am rereading a book I read long ago 10 yrs . It's by an Irish author called Claudia Carroll. It's hilarious and has had me laughing( rare for me just now) . It's called If this is paradise I want my money back. I got it from Amazon as I was getting desperate for a book to read. You won't be sorry.
Laughter : Hello, in the midst of all... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
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May have to adopt this as my new mantra for 2021!! "If this is paradise I want my money back". Thanks for posting this, Tanty5949. The Amazon reviews were mixed but the sentiment is priceless!!! Laughter is so important now, whatever boosts it, is a good thing!!
Hi , yes quite agree it would be a good mantra. I'm still remembering bits of the book. It did honestly make me feel better at what for me was a bad time. Take care
I'm certainly going to give this one a try tanty5949!
Yes do , I am still grinning rembering the book. It's a bit infantile but sometimes that's a good thing.
Thanks for suggesting it. I'm looking for something funny to read. I started reading Winter in Madrid by CJ Sansom but have given up as it was too gloomy. Not in the mood for something like that at the moment.
Hi , it's really funny , a bit saucy in part's , a book I will remember with a smile .
I could do with something light after today when I was in tears after I had found out someone else got another job whereas I have to wait and it's something I want for myself and I was crying because I feel like it's not fair.
I felt better after listening to music and having a walk outside though.
One day something will come up but that this morning felt like a smack in the face!
Oh my gosh , so sorry but sometimes when things seem hopeless that's when life turns things around for you. Good luck , and do try and read it.
It's often the case isn't it that things get worse before they get better!
Exactly, I am going to meet my son now for coffee at Costa. Haven't seen him for 3 weeks although we live quite close.
Hello I was unemoyed for ages due to my age but I am 56 I managed to get a job this year I had give up it was casual but you get regular hours pretty much maby you could try something like that or part time then youl get more hours people are always off and on holiday I don't know your circumstances and if you need full time or not, it is hard with no purpose and gets lonely with only in my case my mam and pixie to talk to I'm not even sure if either of them listen half the time lol I am trying to sell my house and just had a viewer I feel my life's on hold too as we all do I think we have to trust in fate with a lot of things at least we don't have the stress of been at work with all this virus I was only doing my job a few weeks and then had to leave with me living with my mam as It was too high risk, hope you feel better soon 😻🐆🤗
I'm OK about it now time has passed by and I have had chance to talk it over and everyone was very kind.
Yes part time is something I will consider.
One day at the right time for me I will receive a call telling me they would like to offer me a job at a place that's right for me.
Its just that when these disappointments happen they feel like the end of the world.
I know what you mean I was optimistic all week that at last I have a viewer and my house will sell but they had masks on and couldn't hear them they gave nothing away it's a lovely house except I have no front way parking due to bus stop recently been put up☹️ I recently missed out on my mams nebours house and that really upset me I would have had about year and half to sell mine but the hold up on my nebours broken drain where the rats came from meant I had to take it off sale I did the right thing and ended up missing my dream home I console my self by thinking it's fate, and maby living next door to a parent isn't such a good idea we all need our independence and space enjoy your evening with baby pixie snug on my bed were watching TV I watch comedy not going out I've got a large can of scrumpy I think I'll have it I think sometimes a few drink is good for us it helps us to chill out and is a comfort, I think I'll have heart attack if I eat any more sweets 🛌
Hello Jerry, not too sure how to join your reader group . Take care

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Hello thank you I'll look it up I read a good book by Claire guest it was a heart warming story true of a lady whos dog saved her life detected breast cancer she went on to train dogs to detect it and it is now a recognised thing price Charles got involved in it it was about her life and I just found it really gripping 🤗
How's spoilt pixie getting on?
Pixies asleep for now mam's baking a choc cake he will wake up when he smells the oven lol not that he eats cake, not sure what were having for tea I'm trying to cut him down he's feeling heavier I'll start running him in park more what's baby doing sleeping I expect 🐆😻
Baby has just scoffed some leftover chicken pieces left from my stew!
Hi Tanty5949, I have just joined today and was very happy to find your book recommendation. I love funny books and need them at the moment! Thank you 😀
Welcome, yes laughter is the best medicine just now. Take care
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