Edith: Tonight I will sing as I have never sang before.
Rene': What in tune ?
Officer Crabtree: I have good nose
Rene': Yes you are very handsome..
Officer Crabtree: The troon has been bummed by the RAF.
Edith: Tonight I will sing as I have never sang before.
Rene': What in tune ?
Officer Crabtree: I have good nose
Rene': Yes you are very handsome..
Officer Crabtree: The troon has been bummed by the RAF.
Gave me a big smile this morning. Thank you, Bazzak !😀👍🌈🙏👌
Have you seen Allo Allo ??x
Not yet!😀👍🌈
If you get a chance, you should, very british humour 🙂x
Will check it out later today.😀👍🌈
I would say, 'Good moaning,' but it's afternoon!
Excellent 'Allo 'Allo themed humour. I particularly like the 'Save loaves,' on the notice.
It's a shame the government announcement wasn't preceded with, ' I shall say zis oanlay wonce!'
It's amazing how hard my phone is trying to 'correct' my special, 'Allo, 'Allo spellings!
🤣x I knew you would appreciate it, I was, am a bit worried our American friends will not understand the humour if they haven't seen the program. 🤔 Hope you are keeping well Marnie, xx
It was a lovely treat. Officer Crabtree's pronunciation was always my favourite part of 'Allo, Allo. ' I would be intrigued to know what other nationalities make of the programme!
I am okay, I hope you are too.
I was going to put in the quote from Officer Crabtree when Edith drove the little tank into the outside toilets, but I think Activity would have slapped my wrist!! ( stupid woman ) joke Leah🤣xx
Love that program 😂
Brilliant Barry, just love the ‘stoo alert‘ etc.
Is it me, plus age, the old British humour was truly the best, you could not better it. It was slapstick but always very cleverly executed.
Some of today’s humour sadly just goes over my head.
I hope that you your day went well with your grandson, a long day. I am sure that you both had some fun on the way.
Have a wonderful evening and a great day tomorrow, will it be a repeat of today?
Best wishes, Tim.
Thank you Tim, hope I haven't upset Leah, with my stupid woman comment, she has never seen Allo Allo so may not get the joke. !🙉
If Leah manages to watch any Allo Allo films she will understand l am sure.
It is difficult to explain the humour behind the series, English/ French / German. You have to see it to appreciate it and once you do you will never forget the mixed humour.
I am sure Leah understands.
Take care, Tim.
🤣😂🤣😂going down memory lane. Zis eees very goood🤣😂🤣😂( don't think I've got it quite right 🤣😂)
One of the best comedy’s, they don’t make them like this anymore!
I heard of a young woman from Croatia who learned English from watching 'Allo 'Allo. She said her father's daily greeting was "Good moaning". It's hard to imagine anyone but English speakers understanding the humour.