Oh aren't animals funny: I was putting... - Positive Wellbein...

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Oh aren't animals funny

23 Replies

I was putting water in the can from the water butt and our daft cat decided he would get his head under the handle and start drinking it, he was lapping it up. I've always known we have a daft cat😂🐈.

On another note, saw this very pretty moth on our conservatory glass.

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23 Replies
springcross profile image

Hi cf. I'm pretty sure that's a Garden Tiger Moth, beautiful isn't it. Your cat knows where the best water is, does it not usually drink water? xx

in reply to springcross

I didn't know what it was, that makes sense with its markings. Oh yes, our cat loves rain water. Yes he does drink water but prefers dirty water that's in a bucket outside our back door although we give him filtered water indoors as he doesn't like tap water I don't blame him as neither do I

leo60 profile image

A Bagheera cat! Beautiful xx And so is the moth! xx

in reply to leo60

Thank you Leo, he is a very soppy cat for sure and has such funny ways and it was lovely to see such a beautiful moth which springcross has identified as a Garden Tiger Moth which makes sense with its markings.

Hope you've had a good day.

Alicia xx

bobbybobb profile image

Oh your cat looks so funny, his head looks stuck. The moth has such a striking pattern. Nature is so fantastic. 😊🙀🌼

in reply to bobbybobb

Our cat has got to be one of the daftest ones on this planet and fortunately his head didn't get stuck but he was certainly determined to drink the water. I just had to take a photo of the moth, it really was beautiful xx :)

Love your cat, literally into everything! And the moth looks stunning. Thank you for sharing. Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx 😘♥️🌻🌹

in reply to

He's definitely a funny cat for sure, bless him. I was so pleased to see such a lovely moth, very striking.

Take care Lynne

Alicia xxxx :)

ArctoLindy profile image

My last cat would insist on drinking from the toilet! I tried everything to tempt him to drink from his bowl, even buying him bottled water but nothing else would do. I think it must have been because his previous owners had kicked him out and he lived in an old Victorian terrace where some of the houses still had the outhouses and I suppose that’s where he used to drink from.

in reply to ArctoLindy

Reading through your story, which is sad initially but lovely in the end as you ended up with him, I can fully understand why he drank the toilet water, it makes perfect sense as that was his way of surviving, bless him.

ArctoLindy profile image
ArctoLindy in reply to

We had five wonderful years with Jaffa, they say rescue animals are the best... Jaffa was my furry soulmate, my only regret was that we didn’t manage to get him rescued sooner.

in reply to ArctoLindy

All ours were rescue, they really are the best. You had good years though with Jaffa, that's to be remembered

ArctoLindy profile image
ArctoLindy in reply to

I remember once saying to one of my neighbours that I was worried because he would be sleeping on my bed when I left for work and still be there when I got home. Turns out he used to spend a lot of time on the big window ledge in the living room spying on the neighbours and the local wildlife and then returned to the same exact spot on the bed before I arrived home! I used to feel really guilty for leaving him until I found out that he wasn’t just sleeping all day. He was quite a character, I love both of my current kitties dearly but there was something extra special about Jaffa 💖

in reply to ArctoLindy

They are funny creatures and well worth it. Ours sleeps a lot but he is 13. We call him a tart as he rolls over as if to say 'look at me'.😊😂🐈

Love cats, love the Tiger moth, great way to start the day reading your post thank you

in reply to

Thank you and our cat was definitely entertaining for sure and the moth so pretty.

So funny Alicia! Who can fathom what that was about? 🤣

in reply to

I know, isn't it just, our cat has a mind of his own and is definitely in a world of his own LOL :)

I feed stray cats that have been around my house for years.

I put out food and fresh water daily.

It's not unusual to see them eat then walk by the fresh bowl of water and go find a driveway crack with a couple of spoonfuls of water and there they are fighting for a sip .

Meanwhile they can be so picky as to avoid eating from a food pile that another cat just ate from.

One cat will walk 100 meters with tail up to meet and brush up against a familiar cat.

Of course these are spayed and neutered cats. So no fights.

in reply to

What a lovely thing to do and I bet you get so much enjoyment out of doing that.

They are very particular, they'd rather eat dirty water, as you say, out of a crack than the lovely clean water put out for them.

Oh they certainly like their own space for sure, dare another cat eat what they are eating.

Good job they are spayed and neutered cats otherwise there would be kitten everywhere and then you'd have loads to look after. :)

My hubby took the photo on my phone, we've never seen him do this before, normally he drinks out of a bucket outside our kitchen window, we only leave the bucket there for him. When we had the dry spell and the bucket was empty, my hubby filled it up with water but he still drank it yet if we put tap water in his bowl, he won't drink it but will drink filtered water, aren't they so particular. I bet your neighbour's cat looks very comical, they really are funny aren't they.

I loved the moth as well, really pretty. :)

RLN-overcomer profile image

Yessss that is a beautiful Tiger moth. Since I have severe cat allergies, that moth would be the only pet I could probably have.

in reply to RLN-overcomer

Thank you, I thought it had a striking pattern. I'm sorry you have severe cat allergies.

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