Jack: Today was sad, as my girl cat... - Positive Wellbein...

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114 Replies

Today was sad, as my girl cat Jack passed on today. I'll miss her. She was a rescue kitty. Here she is with her "pawrtrait".

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114 Replies
Agoodenough profile image

I’m so sorry it’s awful when the day comes. 😢 x

in reply to Agoodenough

I remind myself she had a good few years after I rescued her. I do miss her, the silly girl. Thanks for your kind words.

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to

Our cat died suddenly in September. I felt so sad and aching inside. I was surprised how sad I felt. So I understand x

in reply to Agoodenough

I'm sorry for your loss, too. They can be pretty special.

in reply to Agoodenough

That's it with pets they become part of the family and you get attached no matter what creature it is.

in reply to

you are so right!

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of Jack.

Her markings were similar to baby's mate Percys who is a brown and white tabby and very spoilt!

in reply to

They should be spoilt, don't you think? :) Thanks so much.

in reply to

A friend at my previous job was signed off for 2 weeks on the sick after her dog died.

Activity2004 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear about Jack. She looked beautiful. If you want to talk, we’ll be willing to talk and listen anytime. I know how hard it is to loose a family member/pet. I had two other cats before my cat, Bunny was adopted.

in reply to Activity2004

You are so very kind. Give your kitty Bunny some extra pets for me. I sure appreciate the kind thoughts and the offer. :)

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to

You're welcome! :-) Get some rest.

Jennymary profile image

Sorry to hear of your loss, thinking of you

in reply to Jennymary

Thanks, I appreciate it!

Marnie22 profile image

So sorry to hear of your loss. I am sending a virtual hug. 🌸

in reply to Marnie22

Virtual hug most gratefully accepted. Purrr :)

RoadRunner44 profile image

Its so sad when you lose a pet, As a big animal lover I feel for you. You obviously loved her so you will be left with very fond memories as you were the means of her having a happy, loving home. Take care and remember the good times young as together.


in reply to RoadRunner44

Will do!

Thank you. She was much loved. I made a $40 donation to the vet to be used by someone with less resources than I as a memorium for her.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

That's very kind hearted of you Wallowa. xx

bobbybobb profile image

Oh Wallowa, I feel so sad for you. I know you would have loved her so deeply. What a treasure she looks and how kind of you to make her life count and give her your love. You have done your very best for her. So sorry. 💐

in reply to bobbybobb

thank you. your kind words matter a lot.

springcross profile image

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that Wallowa, that's really sad. They quickly become a part of our lives and then they're gone leaving us the richer for knowing them. xx

in reply to springcross

you are exactly right!

Buddy34 profile image

I'm sorry for the loss of your cat, Jack. That was the name of our first Jack Russell. Our animals have a very big impact on our lives . Sending hugs 🤗

in reply to Buddy34

Thank you so much. These kind words really matter.

Jacksc06 profile image

Very sorry for your loss. It it devastating when we lose our babies.

in reply to Jacksc06

It's always hard to take losing a pet no matter what creature it was!

How's your kitty getting on? Baby is fine and is still being spoilt getting fish today for her weekly treat.

Jacksc06 profile image
Jacksc06 in reply to

Hi. Siren is fine. Eating like a pig at the moment. At present he is asleep on his human sized beanbag with his teddy under a blanket. Stay well.

in reply to Jacksc06

He's a black and white version of baby!

in reply to Jacksc06

It is tough, and I appreciate the kind words.

Hi Wallowa. I'm so sad for you. It's very hard to lose a beloved pet. You are right to remember what a good life she had with you and will have slipped away knowing she was well loved and cared for. You have her lovely 'pawtrait' to remember her by. 🙏🌈

in reply to

Thank you for your kind words, they matter. She was a loved cat.

daveh121 profile image

What a magnificent cat that is.

Sorry for your loss. Worst thing about having a pet since we live longer than they do.

We acquired a parrot several years ago. He will probably outlive us. Good thing the kids like him.

ellj profile image

What a kind way to honour your pretty Jack, You gave her love and now you have handed that love on to someone else who may need a helping hand.II know the pain of your loss is still raw but in time that will ease.

Memories will last forever.


mrstadpole profile image

What a cutie.It is so sad when they pass.Thank goodness she was able to be loved and cared for xx

ddmagee1 profile image

Such a beautiful cat! So sorry for your loss! We have two cats, and a dog! They are all a part of the family! Over the years we’ve lost several cats and a dog, and it’s never easy!

Ratton726 profile image

What a beautiful cat-we've had 3 cats and all of them had cancer! So we know how you must be feeling -it is a real loss (like losing a family member)! Total sympathies-thoughts are with you!


kaki54 profile image

So sorry for your loss!

Tazzy_wazzy profile image

So sorry for the loss of your furbaby 🐱😿💔

ArctoLindy profile image

I’m so sorry, it’s tough when we have to say goodbye to our fur babies 😢 but you gave a rescue kitty love, comfort and a better life for the last years of her life and that’s special. Thinking of you xx

in reply to ArctoLindy

Thanks so much.

sandravale profile image

People don't know how upsetting it is when a pet dies

in reply to sandravale

On the bright side, I think the people here are some of the kindest I've met on the topic. THANK you.

footgo profile image

Hello Wallowa

I am so very sorry to read of your loss, it is always so very difficult when a dear family friend passes on, she was a beautiful furry friend l am sure.

in reply to footgo

Thank you so much!

in reply to

Good morning how are you feeling today I messaged yesterday here is a picture on my profile if my half Bengal he's like a dog well cat dog lovely spotted belly hope all the nice messages have comforted you a bit off the nice people on here and hope you start looking for a new kitty friend soon x

in reply to

Yes, I saw the message, that was so NICE! I've been moved by all the support here and inspired to reach out to others. What a nice community.

HamishBoxer profile image

All pets or should are special to there owners and I know the heartbreak of loosing one.

I have always had a Boxer dog over the last 40 years,4 in total but nothing for the last 5 years and it is hard.You have my sympathy ,until you loose a pet than you not a clue.

One of my Boxers lived with a cat and they just got on great,she used to pinch his food and sleep on his back!

in reply to HamishBoxer

I bet that was adorable - cat and boxer buddies! Thank you!

I’m so sorry, it’s the worst part of being an animal lover. But what a happy, loved life you gave to a rescue cat.

in reply to

Thank you so much. I think she was happy.

Agoodenough profile image

I hope you’re feeling a bit better today x

in reply to Agoodenough

I am. I was surprised at how sad I was. The people here have been very kind, I had no idea. Thank you again.

Sheila_G profile image

So sorry. It is heart breaking when a pet dies. You gave her a good home and she had a happy life with you. I hope you feel better soon. x

in reply to Sheila_G

Thank you so very much.

Manda43 profile image

Aww she looks lovely cat pets are family xx

in reply to Manda43

You are sure right :)

survivor75 profile image

My heart goes out to you. I lost my companion in October; a rescue also, Tilly, a Little Jack Russell. I miss everything about her, her puppy paws, her little tail which expressed her mood, her expressive eyes and often fun, strong gentle energies, her spirit and intuitive beauty. And she let my beautiful moody Calico banana-split, Bianca groom her :) I videoed it once, on a Saturday night, "Bath Time" and posted in on the Facebook. It was "normal" to see love they had for each other - almost as if they were self-aware and yet enjoyed their differences, my two girls. Bianca still lives (now, age 12, with a friend who totally loves her. I cannot have any pets now anyway, regretfully, due to my immune system being shot with Myasthenia gravis, my M S, and of course the cancer, advancing Gleeson 9. ). I miss them both like crazy. You are in my prayers and good wishes. Smile, and know you helped her and changed her life, giving the goodness. Best, respectfully….r-

in reply to survivor75

And you are in my thoughts and prayers, with thanks for your kind words.

Spring1 profile image

It’s awful when the day comes, you have all my sympathy. You lose your friend and companion , must admit I still howl every now and again when I get really lonely but try to remember what a great life jack had if you can. Love really does hurt sometimes though

in reply to Spring1

Thank you. You are so right.

Joliv61 profile image

Sorry to hear this, I’ve just gone through this with my old dog..heartbreaking to lose a pet..

Thoughts are with you.

in reply to Joliv61

And mine with you. I'm so sorry for your loss. The longer we have them, the more we've given them, and also that they've given us. Thank you.

I am so sorry, I’m sure she had lots of love and a wonderful time with you. ❤️

in reply to

Thank you so much.

ShelWhitt profile image

Sorry you have lost your friend. xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you so much.

ninelives profile image

Beautiful photo.

Sending virtual hugs ,sorry to hear of your loss.

in reply to ninelives

Thank you so much.

Hi I am so sorry for your loss I have lost 3 cats to death in my adult life more as a child I would never be without a cat beside me mine follows me all over it's helped in the past having 2 cats when one died for the comfort and going in having a cat needing us and looking after maby you would start looking for a new friend your cat would want that for you not a replacement never could that be they are all unique special babies but there are cats out there need loving homes you will feel better in time I am currently griving my father bit it was worst when my cats have died as my dad was old and very poarly I never saw him every day I sleep with my cat he's half Bengal hope you will believe your cat is living on in spirit x

in reply to

That is my hope at some point. You're so right. And thank you.

Floxxy profile image

So very sorry. X

in reply to Floxxy


Poppy_the_cat profile image

So sorry for your loss.

It's a big hole to fill...

These little folk, are simply put, as 'people with paws'.

I lost our own beautiful Poppy, also a rescue cat and it's very difficult, especially I can imagine moreso during these difficult times.

We found that for being a rescue cat she was even more special, more sensitive, even more Intuitive...

Thinking of you at this difficult time.

Much love

Poppy the 🐈

in reply to Poppy_the_cat

Thank you so very much. It sounds like you and Poppy were very bonded.

Poppy_the_cat profile image
Poppy_the_cat in reply to

Very, she just knew me inside out. I definitely think we had telepathy... loved her very, very much.

PatsyIpswich profile image

My husband doesnt approve of pets so I cant have any [it takes two] .. it's better to have loved and lost than never to love at all and I think that's the same with pets. xx

in reply to PatsyIpswich

Thank you so much.

Susan1200 profile image

So sorry for your lost ,it's so sad to lose a pet.

Please take care.

in reply to Susan1200

Thanks< I will.

Dallo100 profile image

I'ts sad for anyone to lose a pet especially when they are part of the family. Heartbreaking

in reply to Dallo100

Thank you.

Whippetygirl profile image

Thinking of you.x

in reply to Whippetygirl

Thank you so much. Is that a kingfisher in your profile picture?

Tudee profile image

I’m very sorry to hear that news, it’s always a day we fear. She looks a lovely girl, I hope you had a good many years together, with lots of funny moments you shared and can look back on with love.

Our pets fill out the empty holes in our lives, they give us a reason to get up each day when sometimes it’s the last thing we want to do, We are very lucky when we experience that deep bond. Take care. Dee x

in reply to Tudee

Thanks so much, Dee.

Gillyflower18 profile image

So sorry for your loss. She was a contented pretty girl.

in reply to Gillyflower18

Thank you so much.

Kitten58 profile image

Sorry to hear of you're loss. I will pray for you.

in reply to Kitten58

Thanks, you're kind.

Mrsmeldrew profile image

Am so sorry to hear that. She was a beauty. Yes, you will miss her but she had a great life with you. Tc x

in reply to Mrsmeldrew

Thank you so much. She was rescued and I did my best to keep her well and happy.

studebaker profile image

Beautiful cat. My daughter rescued cat almost identical and she has the nicest personality.

She looks content in the photo and she had a good life with you, which might help a little with loosing her. We do miss our pets when they go for sure, though.

We lost our dog and our cat within 4 months of each other, and it was really tough especially on our kids. This was years ago and I still miss their company.


in reply to studebaker

I get it. I do think that if we have done our best by them, that's what counts. Thank you.

Creativecraft profile image

Sorry to hear, I’m sure she had a lovely life with you, she looked very happy there. Take care

in reply to Creativecraft

Thank you!

Frenchhouse3 profile image

I’m so sorry about the loss of your beautiful cat. I have two cats too and I’m so attached to them, so I feel your sadness.

Sending love and a big hug. Xxxxx

in reply to Frenchhouse3

thank you so much. pet your cats for me :)

Frenchhouse3 profile image
Frenchhouse3 in reply to

Ah, I will.

When my previous cat died, I was so upset, I vowed never to get another one, but then both my sons brought home cats that needed re-homing and I’m so glad now.

When you feel ready, maybe give a lovely home to another rescue?

Lots of love xxxxx

in reply to Frenchhouse3

I think I will. I love having cats, and all the ones I've had have deliberately been the older ones that might be less adoptable than kittens. Though I like them too!

Spanaway profile image

So sorry to hear this😥 we just gave a kitten away to a young lady who wanted one for her mother who has medical issues, blessing because we didn't have to take it to the shelter! Hopefully one day you'll get another companion 🐈

in reply to Spanaway

Thank you.

winabago profile image

I am so very sorry for your loss. We had a little black cat with brilliant green eyes 16 years old we had to have put to sleep because of her age, we still hurt. Just recently we had to have our beautiful yellow female lab put to sleep because of lung cancer, we morn her always.

in reply to winabago

I am so very sorry for your losses, and glad you had their love. Glad I had Jack's, too.

winabago profile image

We will always have their love, until we all meet again.

in reply to winabago

so true!

prunus profile image

I feel for you. I know how I felt when we lost our pussy. I wept. x

You don't say when you lost your cat but my sympathy for the loss. They sure matter, don't they? Thank you.

Klove22 profile image

So sorry about ur 😺. Ironically, I went through pictures today. Found picture's of my deceased kitties and a pink heart and bell for my seal point Himalayan kitty, Mokie aka Mocha. She was the sweetest spirit. I had a good cry remembering all of them. I had all as kittens. My son as a little guy holding one. He loved kitties as much as I did. Hope u r ok.

in reply to Klove22

Thank you. doing better. Take care of you.

Klove22 profile image
Klove22 in reply to

Thank you for liking my comment.

lovejesus7 profile image

I Am so sorry for your loss

in reply to lovejesus7

Thanks. She was a lovely cat.

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