I had a heart attack 3 years ago at the age of 58 and had 3 stents inserted. I have made a good recovery although do not have the same energy and stamina as before. I have always walked 3 miles every day but for the last 2 months on occasions come home wiped out. Total fatigue and weakness which can then last another day or more. Has anyone experienced this and what was the cause? I am so worried it is heart related.
Fatigue and weakness after exercise - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Fatigue and weakness after exercise

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Please speak to your GP if you think it could be heart related and there could be many things causing it. GP very best person . All the best
I would definitely speak to your GP. I really hope he/she puts your mind at rest.
Take care xx
It is always better to ask a doc than not.that is why they are there.Id had a quad bypass and a year later it scared over thus stents.MS also so how do I decide on the fatigue.If it is constant and you have tried, sleep, vitamins, taking all your meds and anxiety taken care of call doc.i can tell it is a wonder for you so put in hands of experts.
No pain on exertion, tachy? does it feel like a virus. Dont put doc off too long.
Thanks for all your comments. I spoke to my GP last week in the phone. She said it did not sound like is ischaemic (heart?) related but would refer to back to cardiology as a precaution. They are no appts during this time but I will have a stress cardio when they start again. But it is not every walk just some walks and I have no chest pain but am just exhausted and feel weak. I just wondered if anyone had has similar!
It could be anything and nothing, you cannot speculate. It would be an idea if your GP just did a general blood test to check your HB and iron levels and some base line bloods to rule anything obvious out. Has your GP suggested you go in for some blood test's. xx
Yes I have. There are so many things, it can be an endless list, including Hypothyroidism, B12 deficiency, ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrone. The last one usually gets applied when you have had various tests which show all tests results as within the normal range and they don't want to pursue further.
You need to go back to your GP and get it explored further. I am not a medical person, only one who has had similar symptoms.
Thank you. I will go back to the GP. What was the outcome for you. Are you OK now?
Do you have ME ? I was going to say that as would match the symptoms but we don`t know all the other information re blood test to make an informed choice . Even if we did ME can take a few years to be diagnosed sometimes hard to find !! Lots of other things it could be and every test round the sun trust me of that . I do get the medical side as I work in a medical setting !
There is no test for ME. I think doctors often tend to get used as a label when they don't know what is wrong with you when the tests are said to be "normal" and they don't want to pursue it further. Either that or they prescribe antidepressants even though you only feel low/depressed because you feel so exhausted and unable to do anything.
Lovely pic Kentborn, and can only add the same point as everyone else. Please consult your GP. Only a medical professional can advise and reassure you.

I did t realise how big the pic was ; its s BIG! Thank you for replying
I will try the mile and see how I go. Which is common sense I know, thank you
Check it out with your GP is best course of action.
Hi Kentborn.
Better not to stress over this. Call your doc just in case so you can feel more confident and enjoy life. Let us know what he advises.
Give yourself an MOT. All the usual things, sugar levels, weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, waist / height ratio, BMI, Consider getting a fitness app or a fitbit / apple watch or similar so you can check your pulse after you have walked and build up a set of records for the doctor to look at, especially after coming back shattered after particular walks
It must be very annoying for it to only happen after some walks. Have you thought of keeping a food diary to see if there is any sort of link between what you eat and how you are feeling?
The more evidence you can present the better the quality of analysis you might get
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