What is anyone’s idea of great happin... - Positive Wellbein...

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What is anyone’s idea of great happiness?

Roukaya profile image
53 Replies

A friend told me once that winning the lottery must be one of the greatest feelings in the World.

I would like to ask if we could ask Aladdin for three wishes, what would yours be?

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Roukaya profile image
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53 Replies
Veteran250 profile image

Long life..... Good health......Happiness!

Simple! 😀🌈

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Veteran250


Cure for COVID-19 that would be my only wish

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

One of the world’s greatest wishes is to see an end of this virus

Does it take such a virus to regroup our thought process and concentrate our mind to realise what is truly important?

in reply to Roukaya

Hopefully we will be out soon as the medical team are working at breakneck speed regarding this situation

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

We will need a world class scientist to find the formula for the crucial vaccine

in reply to Roukaya

They are already doing medical tests on humans that is why I said they are working at breakneck speed. We could be out of this soon. They have that is 4 different strands of CIVID-19 and low sheilding tolerance so it making it making easier to get a vaccination or cure.

Not having so much pain in my spine and hips, and being able to stand and walk would be my idea of bliss.

Veteran250 profile image
Veteran250 in reply to

For me too poems, comes under good health.😕

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to


Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

Take courage day by day

Just being able to hug my family

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to


Activity2004 profile image

Good health, peace and things to get better for everyone soon.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Activity2004


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Roukaya

You’re welcome, Roukaya .😀👍

Roukaya profile image


Go beyond thought

Truly know the I

The world realises everyone is One

Roukaya profile image

Having a thought of happiness or even striving towards the concept of happiness can make our day’s in Lock Down more bearable

ellj profile image

To hug my daughter again, missing 25years..

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to ellj

A Bless you ellj. I pray that you will get your wish very soon.🙏

Prayers are sometimes answered. 🙏

25 years is a long time, but it's never too late.. 😊Take Care and Stay Safe. Glo.xx

ellj profile image
ellj in reply to Gjkas

Thank you.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to ellj

Oh ellj, none of us knows whats around the corner.

But if you're unable to give your Daughter a Hug in this World.

You'll certainly be able to make up for it in the next. 👍.

My idea of Great Happiness is for this World to be as it was meant to be. No Earthquakes, Tornadoes.

Tsunami's Famines etc.

No Murders ,Rapes, Pain etc...

The list could go on and on.

Just think of a life without Pain and Heartbreak .Have our Loved ones with us forever. I don't care about money and Fame. .

We wouldn't need them anyway if we lived in a Perfect World.

That would give me the

.Greatest Happiness.

Goodnight Godbless ellj.

Sweet dreams. Glo.xx

Roukaya profile image

25 years is a long time

If I win the lottery I would trace your missing daughter

I have ever done this for others in the cases of missing siblings and debt recovey

ellj profile image
ellj in reply to Roukaya

Thank you for your thoughts but sadly I do not believe money is the answer, believe me I have tried everything.

Roukaya profile image

Have you tried tracing your missing daughter?

In this time especially?

ellj profile image
ellj in reply to Roukaya

I have never stopped trying. Never will.

Ali_H profile image
Ali_H in reply to ellj

Hi Ella,

My three wishes are yours as I can think of nothing more painful than a missing child.

If you don’t mind I would like to meditate on that one for a while tonight.


ellj profile image
ellj in reply to Ali_H

Thank you Ali. That is such a kind thing to say.

ellj profile image

Thank you for your reply

Beingindependent profile image

Cures for all diseases. Families that get along. We could fly like Superman

Ghounds profile image
GhoundsReading Rabbits

An interesting question Roukaya. I think an end to injustice, peace of mind and a painless cure for all illnesses.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Ghounds

I suppose I thought of this question because I seem to experience highs and lows

Also I have reached an age whereby I am learning what is important to strive for

I think if we do not have a realistic goal or to follow something that we believe can lift us up from unhappiness , then in my case this can lead to depression and sadness

I know that I can never change my Mother as she is starting to behave a child but I can change myself

Ghounds profile image
GhoundsReading Rabbits in reply to Roukaya

Definitely, we can choose our thoughts and are not obliged to dwell on the negative. Sometimes not easy! You can only change how you react to others, you can't change them, but often when you react in a way they don't expect they do their behaviour does alter. Stay strong and we are always here when you need us.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Ghounds

This is something I am learning now

For three years I have been trying to study and failed at three attempts because I let the worries of my Father then Mother overwhelm me snd my concentration

I was told on three times that I failed that insufficient depth of understanding was the causal factor

I regret to be honest with you three years of my life and later this year I will be attempting two exams

I have learnt to rise above those who criticise me and mock me for trying at the age of fifty

But I have learnt that we all grew and develop at different phases in life

It is having the strength of our convictions to keep going

Ghounds profile image
GhoundsReading Rabbits in reply to Roukaya

Regret is a waste of your energy, you have learned the lesson so let it go. All you can do is your best and everything happens for a reason. You will be more focused this year as you know now where you missed the mark before. Nobody has the right to mock you for your choices, they are probably jealous and it's easier to criticise you than try something new themselves. Life is all about learning and growing. Age is largely irrelevant.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Ghounds

Very true

Failure teaches more than success

Failure holds the seeds for success at the right given time

Thank you for your very kind words

Roukaya profile image

In my case it would be cute for Corona virus and Cancer

To be reunited with my Mother

To succeed in the path I am following with financial independence

TheDrivenSnow profile image

1. For terminal and chronic disease and excruciating pain to be a thing of the past - and (although I'm possibly being greedy here) for all people who have died or suffered from terminal disease in the past to be given that missing portion of their lives back - and for death to be painless and timely.

2. For harmony, health, sufficiency and serenity to reign within and between families and communities and populations and countries and continents.

3. For crime to be superfluous and unknown - and therefore trust and confidence to hold sway in a cosmos of mutual care and appreciation (sounds positively psychedelic!)

Too good to be true?


But I can dream.

ellj profile image
ellj in reply to TheDrivenSnow

Never let go of your dreams.


TheDrivenSnow profile image
TheDrivenSnow in reply to ellj

...in that Lennon-esque sort of way...

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to TheDrivenSnow

Good evening

I hope you are well

How are you ?

I thought of a little story which may make you smile

I would like to say that my Mother is impeccably tidy

Everything spotless and sparkling clean

I would often call her Mrs Mop at times

She has a tenant who lives in her block

She is a kind tenant and always helps Mum out with food supplies .

But her home is resembling a garbage tip and Mum often passes the tenants home as they live very close .

I told Mum does your hair become like a Troll when you pass the tenants home?

In addition to this as a thank you Mum prepares her nice dinners because she helps Mum with her shopping .

She always opens the door whilst she is gaming on line

Mum is again furious

I wonder what you think

TheDrivenSnow profile image
TheDrivenSnow in reply to Roukaya

Someone so focused on external tidiness and order is often battling inner turmoil and compensating for the deficit of inner peace by trying to control their surroundings. That sort of ties in with your mother's tendency to exert control.

Just an observation.

You could add this snippet you've taken the trouble to write to that collection of short stories that I hope will come out one day.

Roukaya profile image

Sound very idealistic and an utopian ideal

But in our religion miracles are possible

There have been instances of those who have visited Lourdes in France to have been healed miraculously .

bobbybobb profile image

World peace and the end of all suffering. xx

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to bobbybobb

If only our greatest wishes came true

The knowledge to change what i can, leave that what i cant, have the wisdom to tell the difference!

Roukaya profile image

This is the serenity prayer

Health, happiness and long life

Wisdom, courage and love Roukaya. And how about you?

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

Good morning

I hope you are well

I usually get up early for prayers.

Thank you for asking what I would wish for

Firstly a vaccine for Covid 19

To be reunited with my Mother

To obtain my independence to practice as a Probate Practitioner

Yes thats right, but what a prayer for social workers!! or anyone wanting to make changes!!

lancslass56 profile image

An end to




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