How long do you think this will last? - Positive Wellbein...

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How long do you think this will last?

slothycoffee profile image
22 Replies

I can't imagine the UK being in lockdown for months on end.

Wuhan have started to lessen their restrictions to come out of lockdown after just 2 months.

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slothycoffee profile image
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22 Replies
AlMorr profile image

Hopefully by the end of May this lockdown should at least ease a bit, July at the latest, you just can't get back to normal in one day, the truth is, even the experts don't know how long it will last, anything from 3 to 9 months has been predicted, the nine months is a worst case scenario.

Activity2004 profile image

Schools are going to be closed until 4-24-2020 so far in my county.😩

slothycoffee profile image
slothycoffee in reply to Activity2004

Wow that is quite soon! In my area, the schools aren't re-opening until September at the earliest.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to slothycoffee

The 4-24 is updated since this morning on the news. I don’t know if that’s what will happen, but I will keep updating when I get more information.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorr in reply to Activity2004

The football people think it will be June, but I think that they are being a bit too optimistic, more like July, let's face it, no one really knows.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to AlMorr

That’s true. It’s hard to say the exact day everything is going to be done.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorr in reply to slothycoffee

Do you think that the country will still be in lockdown until the end of August?

Jennymary profile image

I work in a leisure centre and I can't see that re-opening until June or July, however, as I live on my own and don't drive, hopefully I'll be OK to use public transport in a few weeks

Barbara-C profile image

I hope the Wuhan market has been shut down otherwise this will all start again

MrsGif profile image

Sadly Slothy as they relax the restrictions cases of the virus will begin to increase if it is anywhere in the community, then back to lockdown they will go. Until there is a vaccine or most people are immune because they have caught it this will happen. But don't let it get you down, not only will we get through the next couple of years (because it will take that long to get back to some semblance of normal), but in the meantime we will get used to this, it's what people do. You and I and pretty much everyone are braver and stronger than we could imagine. It's just a shame we have to go through such rotten times to find it out. I know that I might sound like a crazy woman but try to see this as an adventure. There will be sadness but if you reach out to people I think you will find kindness and support and humour. Perhaps people like us, hidden away by illness and accustomed to getting on with things despite fear have got something to offer everyone else for once. I have been living in virtual lock down for much of the past five years or more. This year I got a mobility scooter and I was so looking forward to getting out in the sun this summer for the first time in longer than I can remember. Whoopeedoo, look what happened, boy am I pissed off. But it will wait and I am gonna get through this. Things look bad but most of us will, we just have to be super careful and when we get scared, well the trick is to keep breathing! All the best for the coming time Slothy and when it seems like forever remember; a year passes like nothing.

RoadRunner44 profile image

I understand how you feel slothycoffee as I am also missing seeing friends and attending my groups. Yes, our world has turned upside down. But, its not always going to be like this, remember that!

, I am beginning to feel we have to start adapting to this new kind of life. It will probably be better to do this rather than keeping hoping our old life is going to return soon because it us highly likely that it won't. We have to find new ways of using our time. Many people have posted giving us ideas and also telling us how they are spending the day, sending photos and writing funny poems. Making the best of things.

It is difficult but I believe you will become more and more anxious if you keep thinking its going to be over soon. Start a new daily routine, make a list of things you want to do, enjoy a walk in the fresh air, listen to music , do those flower pots or read but do try to relax.

Keep in touch and try to enjoy each day as it comes.


Roukaya profile image

I find both replies to be very helpful

I had previously struggled to cope with unemployment and trying to find employment and pass a diploma in Wills and Probate

Now I realise very clearly what matters the most

I miss my Mother as she lives overseas and we have always protected one another during the tough and testing times

Now during this time of upheaval I find myself away from Mum when it matters the most

As a Muslim I can pray up to five times a day

I have made a curry today for the first time in years

I have realised that we can adapt and cope if necessary but very hard to adjust to a life so different to the outside distractions

Every day I think when will any semblance of our life begin again

But life has changed already beyond recognition and this remains to be a testing time

Painny profile image

Who knows? It my be forever, the landscape of human beings changed so much, perhaps we should learn a lesson to be kind to each other rather than going for war after war 🤐

skit profile image

Hi China is a different social set up to us in the west. They had troops and road blocks etc.

UK is therefore a different prospect.China started before the media cottoned on. The whistle blower was silenced for a while too. So count November maybe 2nd/3rd week and that might tell us all something. 5 days incubation then becoming very ill to get anywhere near a medic in China is my thought.

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPOReading Rabbits

With China and Italy, ahead of us in this, I am keeping my ears to BBC World Service, to get a feeling as to what happens there as they reduce their lock downs. I have decided we are in for the long haul and will try to plan with this in mind, will be a nice surprise if is not a long haul.

Hi slothycoffee,

It's really only possible to speculate when restrictions might lessen. There's still a lot of world for this virus to attack and many countries are only in the initial stages, so we may have a long way to go before it would be safe enough to ease restrictions. The UK hasn't reached its own peak yet. When you think that this began in Wuhan at the end of last year, and it's now nearly April, it's a long time ahead of us.

It seems worse if you dwell a lot on when this will be over. We are really just all caught up in a unique maelstrom, and I guess we should really only think on a day to day basis. Let's just prepare for the worst, but hope for the best! Best wishes. Take care and keep yourself well!

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits

I hope this isn't rushed . I don't want an early date then it all happens again . I will happily wait .

in reply to focused1

Hi focused1.

I absolutely agree with you about rushing a return to more normal life. We are humans and as such want to get through any unpleasant part of life as quickly as we can, but there is a danger in wishing this away too quickly. But I'm pretty certain that, just as the government introduced new rules in steps, it will do the same thing as the crisis lessens. Take care and enjoy your day in every way you can. 🙃

focused1 profile image
focused1Reading Rabbits in reply to

Thanks . It is just a case of being sensible . I am not spending as much money now anyway and I feel although I have no work I will manage as husband here for support in so many ways . The community are fantastic and I feel this is a real postive that I hope this will remain for years to come as we like many just went out 9-5 and didn't really bother with anybody else nearby . We as humans do need each other .

Poodie profile image
Poodie in reply to focused1


JoggingBear profile image

I hope there’s some truth in that! Never can tell what’s going on behind their political front unless you’ve contacts there.

wiserlady profile image

I think it has just began. The weakest link is that people are still going to public places where they can catch it and pass it on - shops - hospitals and the like. If everyone self isolated till it was done it would be a lot quicker. Think there is a long way to go unless rushing into it to please people who are unrealistic.

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