Have been reducing my steriods for a couple of months at 5mg a time have been on 10mg for two weeks. Feel awful to day no energy and very light headed. Have been down to 2mg before but never felt like this. Is this normal?
Reducing: Have been reducing my steriods for a... - PMRGCAuk

Hi Adelle,
Looking back to the symptoms you had when reducing in September, I can see a definate similarity. The way you are feeling now is quite normal when reducing pred too quickly. You will feel awful. I did, until I took my own advice to fellow members and did what my rheumy said. 'Go back to the dose that you felt comfortable with and stay there for at least 2 weeks, then reduce more slowly, i.e. 1 or even half a mg at a time.' If you feel rough, it should only be for a few days before you feel an improvement. No better? Then go up again, wait till you improve and try again. Listen to your body! We are all different in the way we respond to the drops. Only you can feel the response - act accordingly.
Best wishes, Pats.
Thanks Pat I will try this as I am now finding it difficult to do my job. I am really busy and need to be able to use my brain and am finding it hard to consentrate.
Hope you have a good new year.
I do admire you for working , I have to admit that I find it difficult getting through each day at the moment, the depression in the worst thing for me , spent the whole of Saturday in bed , could not function, better Sunday and today though.
I hope you keep feeling better. I am lucky as I can't say I get depressed a bit down sometimes but not what would be classed as depression.
I often wish I was not at work as I would love to just sleep some days. Only because I am tired.
Must admit I have fallen asleep writing reports and am useless when I have to go to a conference as I often find myself dozing off. LOL
Hi adelle, Take some comfort from the knowledge that things will get better as you climb down off the Steroids. By the time you are around the low single figures, the side effects will diminish and you will feel more stable, physically and mentally, at least that is my experience!
You are fortunate in a way to have your work to take your mind off these effects, but as you rightly point out, they will not be ignored. Keep on plugging and dropping 1mg/month and you will begin to feel better each month. Regards, raymck

Hi Adelle
Yes, agree with Pats, increase to where you last felt comfortable, stay there for at least 2-3 weeks and then try reducing just 1mg at a time. Reducing by 5mg at a time from 15 to 10mgs is far too much for the body to cope with - remember the steroids aren't curing the disease, they are simply controlling the underlying inflammation that is causing the symptoms. I, too, am in awe of people like you who have to work with this illness. I do hope you will soon start to feel better.