Hi all, after about 4 month bout of mixed illness which started with really bad vertigo, that went on to unaccountable toothache and then most dreadful headaches one can imagine, my GP informed me that he thought I had GCA, and started me instantly on steroids. Shortly after that I had a biopsy for this complaint which came back as negative.
After I had started taking the steroids other symptoms started to surface, i.e. jaw pain, tenderness over the left temple and a swelling over the left cheek bone that my doctor seems to think was the inflamed artery in question.
I am at present on my second reduction of the steroids and am struggling a little; I seem to have the constant shakes in both arms and shoulders and sometimes my left thigh, I get tired very quickly and get bad sweats, but I have also noticed I still occasionally get what feels like GCA headache but a lot milder, should I still be getting this pain? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.