I am currently on 17mgs steroid for PMR which I'm taking in the morning. I'm finding the pain and stiffness lasts at least 3/4 hours for the steroids to kick in. Doesn't help that RA is also playing up.
I've read comments about taking some in the evening to help balance this out and as I will be travelling to Cyprus on a morning flight next week am thinking of trying this to help cope with the flight and travelling.
I was thinking of possibly 7mgs before bed and 10mgs in the morning. Has anyone found this helpful?
I would add that myself and my GP wanted to continue at 20mgs for a few weeks longer which was the starting dose we agreed (I was already on 8mg plus weekly tocilizumub long term for RA pre Pmr) but my rheumatologist wanted it reduced to 15.mg. Dropped to 18 immediately for 1 week and then 16 as per rheumatologist. At 16 all symptoms returned almost as bad as first so with gp agreement I went up to 17. Slightly better. I'm intending to stay there until return from holiday march 26th. Will be 4 weeks at this level.
Then to reduce 1mg a time as symptoms allow. But at least 2 weeks at each level.
The GP who has seen how ill and disabled I have become since Christmas is definitely more helpful than the rheumy who hasn't seen me recently. Also the GP is very switched on with Pmr and was able to say to the rheumy that the fact my inflammation bloods (crp and esr) were nearly normal were almost certainly caused by existing steroids plus toczilumb causing a false negative. We think rheumatologist is questioning the diagnosis of Pmr but I can definitely tell the difference!
GP would prefer slow but sure reduction and I would agree, especially with all the excellent advice on this forum.