A couple of months ago I had serious attacks of acid reflux, I’m now on 40mgs of Pantoprazole per day. Whilst I’m not having serious episodes of acid reflux my throat, larynx, oesophagis burn the whole time, at times the glands/ muscles under my chin are extremely painful, also both sides of my cheeks are very tender. what is going on? Any advice, I’m so worried. I’m on 7mgs of Prednisone daily
Acid Reflux : A couple of months ago I had serious... - PMRGCAuk
Acid Reflux

Can’t say what is going on exactly, but this doesn’t sound like it is simple reflux. Your glands are raised too and pain is not isolated to the oesophagus. I think you need a doctor to see you sooner rather than later, sorry.

Have you seen your GP since this started?
This could be a complete red herring but Google EOE medical abbreviation and see if any of those symptoms match. My neighbour developed it last summer and is currently on a UK drug trial. Also, I know this is obvious, but have you taken a good hard look at your diet?
acid reflux does occur with pred. i use the anti acid/ reflux Nexium when my issues occur. not constant. take it until my issue stops give a bit of time and then take the pred without. of course it fluctuates but i would say i have to resort to this only a few times in a year. and have found i can often control it now with only a few days on the nexium.
i would add that my first attach with gastro reflux was horrible..this was previous to pred…could not lie back. cancelled dental appointment. slept sitting up and raised my bed putting a 2x4 under headboard. this kept the a id down . this took a while to settle…maybe a month, a long time ago
wish you well.
My GERD has been acting up for just over a month. Unsure what kicked it off, unless it's the Zoledronic Acid infusion I had in December '24. I take 2 ppi's a day which aren't helping at all. It's very bad. Everything is burning. Pharmacist suggested adding a H2 blocker to the mix. I'm going to try slippery elm lozenges to coat my throat, esophagus and stomach. Also, I've just finished a course of Nystatin anti-fungal liquid for oral thrush, which they think was caused by the acid reflux. My throat is still store. Tongue looks better. Eyes were/are burning as well. Could be Sjogrens, but GP just gave me a blank stare when I suggested it. I don't think she's ever had a case like me...or maybe she would be more comfortable if all her patients were not sick. I do have a lot going on.
Yes the burning is just incredible, I really don’t know what to do about it