This is a follow-on in a way from the palpitation problem I wrote about-got an even higher one today with my pulse at 135 flashing on the pulse oximeter, so definitely not good on that front. This is the worst one I have had, and it went on for 20 minutes. I took my BP just after it felt as if it had stopped beating so much, and it was 138/88 pulse still at 109.
Bit of background about my problem with my eyes, not related to PMR. I started having glaucoma in 2007, so ten years before 2017 when PMR arrived. In 2012 I had an Ocular Vein Occlusion in my left eye, which over the years gradually healed quite well, although my left eye has never been as good as my right eye visually. In 2018 I had both my cataracts done very successfully, in that since that time I have not needed to wear glasses at all, having had varifocal lenses put in privately. However my left eye after the cataract surgery developed fluid behind my retina after a short while, and I eventually had to start having injections in my eyeball every four months for about four years. Gradually my eye started to grow new blood vessels taking it around the damaged area, and for the last couple of years I have not had any injections.
I don't know much about the readings my eye consultant is looking at, but I do know that 280 in my right eye is good, whereas if I go anywhere near 400 it is dodgy and the injections have to start up again. Two months ago, when all the problems with gout and a CRP of 32 in a flare up sent my eye problem up to 398, and I had to go back yesterday with a view to probably starting the injections again, because if I don't have them, I can go blind in that eye. Well, because I don't go back to my GP until 28th January, a week after my ECG, I have been upping my Prednisolone, as you do. As I had a few 5mg left that were due to go out of date later this year, I took, 30mg/20mg/15mg.7.5mg for four days, and am now still on 7.5mg taking it to two weeks, when I will drop to 3mg, which is just above the 2.25mg I had got down to.
Well, what a surprise yesterday when I was told that in the two months since I had seen my eye consultant my left eye was better, and my magic number had dropped down to 292, so only 12 above normal for this condition. He of course did not know the story about upping my Prednisolone, but is convinced this is what did it, as am I. Apparently dropping to 2.25mg is too low for my eye condition, so it looks as if I may have to decide to stsy permanently on about 3mg. He said if I did not have glaucoma, he would have been able to prescribe steroid drops, but he can't as it raises pressures in my eyes, so not good for glaucoma. Sorry it is so long, but I thought it would be of interest to others.