It has been said that everyone should cuddle their Gorilla.
I maybe daft but wouldn't that be something of a killer.
Or maybe what they really mean is that from which we suffer.
Is the beast which rules our life so nothing could be tougher
We used to know our own defence would take the beast in hand.
By devious means it's taken hold as if it had been planned.
Whatever used to work for you will not provide a cure.
So back right off and let it run it's course and you'll endure.
Wouldn't it be good to know someday the end will come.
When what's in charge will leave us be so we can have some fun.
We know it's big and fierce and strong so fightings not a choice
To see it go and ne'er return is something to rejoice.
It makes us fear to live our lives and robs us of our vigour.
So look afresh at what you have and use it to configure.
There is a way to live anew you have to take the tiller.
See it as a friend , not foe, and cuddle your Gorilla.