Is it possible that a short synacthen test could have contributed to my recent flare?
Short Synacthen Test and Flare? : Is it possible... - PMRGCAuk
Short Synacthen Test and Flare?

There is no reason why it should, but if you over exerted yourself while attending the test that could have an effect I suppose.
Thanks Piglette,not really just a bit of a long walk down corridors then 2 flights of stairs but nothing other than that.,Just seems a coincidence that flare started a few days afterwards.Thanks again for your input!xx💐😜
Are you sure it isn’t delayed muscle stiffness? Just from the stairs, unusual walking, travel, sitting on hard chairs, standing etc. If you don’t do it every day, it can be more of a feat than you think.
Hi Snazzy,don’t think so as I had tingling scalp,neck ache ,shoulders and thighs.xx💐😜
How are you now Angelsmummy?
Feel a lot better now,had to up Pred from 4 1/2 to 10 but it was not lasting 24 hrs so am now on 12 to try and stabilise myself and hopefully drop to 10 in a couple of weeks all being well.Let my dr know ,they said do I want to come in so I said no,a telephone consult.would suffice.He knows I hate taking pills so he will guess that I am genuine .Thought I was doing too well with GCA at a low dose 2 years in but as the Wise Ones said ,4 to 5 is the norm mostly.Just got to plod on as we all do but it is SO nice not to have the pain anymore!Feeling a bit more energetic too ( the Pred!) but got to make a mental note to myself NOT to abuse it!)Many thanks for asking N and hope you are feeling ok?Happy New Year to you or is it?xxx😂😂😂😢💐😜

I don't see why either - but never say never!!!

Doubtful… probably coincidence…
well enjoy and watch that liver of yours ok?x🤣💐😜
I wouldn't have thought the test itself would have caused a flare, but if you had felt anxious or worried in the week up to the test and on the day , that stress even if you didn't think you were that stressed could have caused rebound pain or a flare after your body began to relax post testing.
Hi B,no,was not worried at all to be honest,it was my idea to have the test because of fatigue etc.Have had a lot of stress regarding OHs prostate cancer coming back plus he has dementia.Maybe you are right,we thinking we are coping but guess our bodies are doingdifferently!Upped to 12 as I said ,feel heaps better but awoke at 4 am drenched in sweat!Not had this( apart from 2 episodes in last couple of weeks) since the beginning of my undiagnosed GCA which went on for weeks.,All this tapering advice that I get from DL and PRO is an absolute godsend but reckon I must be a real Pred head as I think I have it right in my head then I get it all muddled again!Must be all the stress.SO,my plan is to stay on the 12 for another week( no longer at 2 weeks on increased dose or I will have to do a longer taper as per DLs flare protocol) then try and think off the last dose that I felt well on and start above that( hope I am right on that info!) so think if I still feel ok after the 2 weeks are up I will go to 8 mg as I certainly have not felt well for ages.Then start the 7 week slow taper as I was doing.Using you as a sounding board reallyB,and waiting for DL or Pro to jump in and give me a ticking off!But hope not,still quite teary!xx less you for replying to me.xx💐