I had my 6 monthly check up this morning for PMR and RA. Drs have decided my PMR had diminished and been overtaken by RA. I came down to 9mg from 10mg over last 6 months, I feel like this is a little too low but am waiting to see how things pan out as Mark begins to pick up the slack. He's 5 weeks post TKR (2nd in 12 mmonths) and doing really well). I told her I was not planning on reducing more this time. I think she was impressed with my assertiveness.
I may have mentioned that it's difficult in French. She's very caring but makes assumptions about my understanding. I always write her a letter using an online translator. Today we're back in masks, so lip reading was out of the equation. My CRP was up last time. I am not sure but think I heard her say that the PMR hasn't gone.
Am currently coming to the end of being on call for Mark, he's doing really well but the last couple of months have been tough with regard to job share and lack there of. So, I am tired and in more pain due to doing more things he normally does.
I told her how painful and weak my thumbs are and that dressing is difficult and I drop things more frequently. I told her about my thumbs 6 months ago but this time she took time to have a thorough look. She says my thumb/forefinger on rt hand are deformed. I cannot see this (I guess one doesn't notice a gradual change). She's given me a px for a a thermal thumb support thing to wear at night. Not something I can easily find in a local pharmacie so we'll have to head into the city I think.
She's also given me a px for physio. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on hand physio and how helpful it is? I feel really lucky as I am able to jump into OH's physio appointments. Servane (we think she's about 12 lol) has a student working with her so they will share OH and I for the same session. If not I'd have to wait until January.
Bonne soirée