Just wondered when people started to notice the 'moon face' starting and on what dose of steroid?
Just wondered when people started to notice the 'moon face' starting and on what dose of steroid?
Now you have posted you will see a load of Related Posts all called Moonface ... Gives you something read while waiting for replies!
Not everyone gets a moon face. Most will get a slightly fuller effect on their cheeks and some never get one on PMR level doses. It is far more common at GCA doses which can be over 50mg per day.
The effect is due to pred influencing the deposition of any excess blood sugar in the blood as fat stored in certain places such as around your midriff, causing the apple shape, the back of the neck resulting in the dowagers hump, and around your face and neck. Cutting your carb intake drastically will often reduce the fat deposition and weight gain due to pred as well as reducing the risk of steroid induced diabetes so it is well worth trying.
I didn’t get a moonface as I drastically cut my carbs due to a diagnosis of steroid induced type 2. I lost 4 stones in weight and had to get a whole new change of clothes!
So, did you cut carbs and increase your protein intake? Just wondering as I seem to recall you have CKD (stage 3) like me.
I did but my diabetic nurse discovered protein in urine which is why I was sent to the nephrologist.
I have since stopped eating meat as I find plant protein is easier for the kidneys to handle and my last eGFR was 61.
Oh, thanks for that useful info....I'm trying to rethink what I eat to help my kidneys after my last two readings were 41 then 37....never been as low as that before, so now a urine sample has gone away to test for protein. I've never been referred to a nephrologist all the time I've had CKD, since it was detected in 2017, but think I'll ask if I can. I'd rather do something now to prevent further decline. The night before my last reading I'd eaten chilli con carne and cheese, so maybe too much animal protein, and it was an early morning appointment down to the surgery so I may have been a little dehydrated after a brisk 10 min walk there. So after your reply it's fish for tea today now as opposed to roast beef....thanks for sharing.
I had one that was my lowest at 45. It was a 8.30 a.m. appointment and I realised after I had drank a little in the night and a glug of tea before rushing down to the surgery. I had to have another blood test due to this 3 weeks later so I made sure it was a later appointment and that I was hydrated. This went to 55 and my last was after not eating meat and another late appointment so I could be hydrated. My doctor has never spoken about CKD but the nephrologist discharged me a few years ago after the protein in urine and asked for 6 monthly blood tests. Strangely since then there has been no protein in my urine. I saw the nephrologist for 2 visits and the second one was on Christmas Eve where he had results of loads of blood tests and results of a kidney ultrasound and shook my hand and said you are discharged and will probably have some protein in your urine forever!
This is such a positive reply, I'm so pleased for you that all seems to be going well. I wonder if the absence of protein in your urine since is due to you no longer eating meat? The tip about having later appointments for bloods is appreciated and one I will put into practise moving forward. I'm so grateful for this forum, as there is only so much we can learn from Dr Google and half the time I do wonder how much we read is accurate and applicable, whereas personal experiences shared on here go a long way, so thanks again for your responses 🌸 .
I think the lack of protein happened a few years before a started not eating meat, which is only in the last 3 months. I always take a urine sample to my diabetic review and nothing has been found. I have a diabetic review every year even though I have been in remission for 7 years, and I think it must be about 4 years since there was any protein in my urine.
Protein in urine can vary - this is a good article about the 3 types.
Thanks, that is interesting and perhaps that is why after loads of tests he discharged me
Such good news, for both the diabetes and protein! Well done!
Hi Koalajane, just to share the good news, I had the result of my urine test and no protein was found! The doctor described it as 'nice and healthy'.....not a term I often hear from a doctor especially as getting older, ha. So I just need to repeat bloods for kidneys in 6 months. Hope you are still doing well.
Hi there, I've just sent a quick update, all good, but think I sent it to myself 🤦♂️ so please read thread a little further down.
Okay, sounds good. I do bloods every 6 months for kidneys. I have learnt from past experience I am better having a later appointment so I can be well hydrated. Good luck
I've been on Prednisolone since August, 15mg to 13.5 to 12.5 and my face is a bit fuller but I look better for it. I haven't gained any weight at all and can't afford to lose any. The first GP I saw commented that 'there's not much of you is there, you need some calories 😠I haven't altered my diet at all, however forewarned is forearmed and I will be aware. Thank you.
I’m a bit prone, although I’ve never been up to a GCA dose. It sneaks up on you, hard to say when exactly: but the good news is, it will go away again as your dose lowers
That’s good to know calibriel. I have always been very slim , athletic and never needed to bother about food. I am a vegetarian . Since starting pred almost a year ago first on 20mg but eventually having to go to 50 because of GCA, I have developed a much fuller face and put on some weight. I have reduced my carbs though not to paleo level and can still exercise . I really hope now I am tapering and currently at 15mg things will get better. Your comments have cheered me up ….thanks . I refuse to buy even bigger knickers 🤣
Similar to what others have said, my moonface (officially known in medical terminology as 'Cushingoid appearance') has largely disappeared with low carb eating and the consequential weight loss. Taken years off me. I still have a bit of 'Buddha belly' though that is harder to shift
Yes ....the Buddha Belly is a nuisance. I was always very athletic...so this is all new to me.
It seems to depend on the person. I gained a lot of weight with PMR inactivity and later on methyl pred but when I switched back to pred and went low carb, the first place the excess went from was around my waist. I'm overweight, always have been, but I still have a waist, albeit a few smaller rolls around it!
I live in hope but am so glad my eyesight is still ok. When you have always been a skinny Minnie , it’s a bit of a shock. There’s worse things and with a significant cut in carbs ( though not drastic , I tried it but it caused other issues) plus swimming and gym work when possible , I can prevent further weight gain. It’s all go 😃
Thanks for that. Pretty much my current plan. That and swimmimg . As you say....not for wimps. 😅