Does everyone on Predtske daily Omeprazole for the entire time
? Omeprazole: Does everyone on Predtske daily... - PMRGCAuk
? Omeprazole

I have never taken it. It seems to be a rather British "thing" and my rheumy here in Italy only asks me to take it if I need NSAIDs for any reason.
My British GP practice has never pushed it for me so never taken it.
Obviously depends on the doctor!
yes I know I was just wondering how people felt about it
It seems quite mixed opinions and Omeprazole is not without its issues the replies have been interesting
It is by no means the only option and not everyone needs it. My view is why take something else if you don't have a need for it.
Hi Harry8388,
I have been on prednisolone for over 5yrs now and my rheumatologist wanted to prescribe me omeprazole from day one.
I refused though, stating that I would only agree to take them if I developed symptoms that suggested that, or if other evidence came to light to support that need.
So far, I have not needed a PPI.
Obviously if the need arose, I would reconsider my decision.
Morning, I was on Omeprazole right through my four and a bit years on Pred with no problems at all.
Was put on it from the start as "routine" by my GP. I stopped it after 6 months because I had no gastric problems and didn't like possible side effects. I always took it with yoghurt. I managed to get down to zero pred a year ago and touch wood have not had any problems.
I wasn’t prescribed it at diagnosis, and never took a PPI throughout the seven years I was on prednisolone. I had no gastric issues at all.
I can’t take it, because I get stomach problems, but not everybody has them. Like all these things it’s a case of trying it out. You might be fine.
I was put on it at the start but told it would be stopped once I got to 5mg ( which it was and have no issues) but probably depends on how sensitive your stomach is.
Hi Rynn. I'm now at 5mg and would like to stop the omperazole. Can I ask what dose you were on when you stopped and whether you had to taper off it? TIA for any advice you can offer 😊
When I went to 4mg they stopped prescribing it. I was told to stop it over a few weeks so did alternate days first week and then twice a week second week and then 1 dose in third week. I’ve since been back at 5mg without it (but no higher apart from the odd 5 day flare protocol) and have no issues but it will probably depend on your own history of stomach issues. I do find I need to make sure I drink plenty of water and don’t lie down straight after taking 4mg as 4 individual white 1mgs but when I was down at 3 or 2 mg I didn’t get any reflux.
Thanks both. I'm on 20mg omperazole and 5mg pred. Gp insisting I stay on 20mg omperazole. I've never had any gastro problems or any other major health concerns other than pmr so am keen to stop any medication that I potentially don't need. No way the gp will give me 10mg omperazole so I've started to taper myself today. Am planning one every other day for this week and then gradually reduce from there. Thanks for the information, much appreciated 😊
You can buy 10mg OTC. Why is your GP so insistent?
Didn't know I could buy them. Thanks for the information. I've spoken to three doctors and asked three times if I should reduce or stop the omperazole and each time they've said I should continue to take 20mg at whatever dose of pred I'm on to protect from ulcers. Tbh I've given up with the gp and am trying to manage the PMR myself. The last time I tried to reduce to 4.5mg I had either a flare or steroid withdrawal, not sure which but I felt awful, so I used the flare protocol whilst waiting for a GP appointment. Went to Dr and he said I was wrong to use the advice on this forum (!), told me to immediately reduce the steroids and tried to give me calcium tablets (first Dr to even mention them) even though my bone density results came back fine. He was so condescending it's put me off going back! I'm now using the DSNS protocol from this very helpful forum to try to taper to my lowest dose. Thanks everyone for the valuable advice that you continue to contribute 😊
I suppose to be fair he thinks it may be a FB type forum and there is some less than good advice there! What other medications do you take?
I made it clear it was the health unlocked forum that the original doctor that diagnosed the pmr had recommend that I join. The original doctor was excellent but is no longer at the surgery 😢
I only take pred, currently 5mg and on week 1 of the DSNS taper protocol.
Shame - happens a lot though. Just wondered if you were on a bisphosphonate - then you need calcium whatever but if your diet is OK, otherwise not necessarily.
That was my thought. I have a well balanced diet so hopefully all will be OK. To be fair the Dr made the calcium tablets sound so awful (he said they would probably give severe constipation so prescribed fybrogel as well) that I'm surprised he gets as anyone to take them 😂
I have been taking pred for 9 months with no stomach problems but recently I was prescribed a pill for a different problem and that one does upset my stomach so I was given omeprazole for that. I am thinking that it may also help avoid any future problems with pred so it covers two bases!
Absolutely not- I read the patient noteswith it and didn't take any during the time I was on Pred I had no problems at all
I have been on pred for over 7 years and never been prescribed it. I take my pred with breakfast and have had no problems
I was told I had to take stomach protection, didn’t want to but was warned about potential issues, started on Omaprezole, made me so ill had to stop. Now on Famotidine, which seems to be ok but still not keen on taking it. Planning to stop if I get to lower levels of Pred 🤞🤞
my GP wanted me to take omeprazole for stomach protection but I didnt want to unless absolutely essential. The NHS (?) online information I read said something like consider prescribing with steroids if reason to expect gastric problems but not usually needed as routine. My mother and a friend had trouble with omeprazole so im a bit anti the idea, and there are other options .
I did at the start, discovered that it was omeprazole which gave me serious diarrhea so stopped. No issues since, take it with lots of yoghurt.
I’ve been taking it for 5 years now with no problems. I did ask my GP a few months ago whether I still needed to take it and she said it’s advisable while still taking prednisolone… I’m down to 7 mgs at the moment on a very slow tapering plan .
Unfortunately I had to stop taking Omeprazole as it affected my kidney function. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 kidney disease a few years back but the kidney function dropped even further to 42.It went back to previous level once off Omeprazole.
I now take pred ( gastric resistant coating ) with yoghurt and touch wood no gastric symptoms to date.
morning Harry8388,I was prescribed Omeprazole right from the start of GCA,left hospital clutching a carrier bag of drugs!After reading lots of info on Omeprazole ,I decided to “ knock them on the head” a little while back.I reduced to one capsule daily for a couple of weeks,then only took it every third day or so for a week or so,then finally stopped it.I take my pred with a yoghourt drink at 2 am,and have no problems at all without taking Omeprazole.Obvs,if somebody has gastric issues or similar that would be a different story but I won’t take anything unless I have to medically.All the best.x🌼😜
GPs love it! I was prescribed it before Pred while I was on vaste quantities of NSAIDs for a mysterious head pain and jaw claudication !!! Once I was properly diagnosed and under the care of a Rheumatologist I was told to take it if and when I thought I needed it which is what I do.
The strange and annoying thing is I just feel better on Omeprazole, it seems to soften the raw impact of Pred on how I feel. However I am scared of the side effects so might go down to alternate days.
Which side effects?
Hi PMRpro the side effects I am scared of are osteoporosis and damage to kidneys. But I could be wrong about them.
I was on Omeprazole before and during GCA -no issues with either things you mention.. then or now 8 years later.
There is small risk of osteoporosis due to PPIs but it IS small. Pred is greater!
This recent publication discusses the kidney damage concerns
and conclude that there is insufficient evidence to link them.
There are many factors that may be involved and sometimes you have to look at why the patient is needing the drug under consideration. For example, the risk of jaw necrosis associated with bisphosphonate drugs which appears to loom large - but in fact, the risk is mostly in patients who are on it as part of cancer treatment. Not only is their dose much higher (12 to 17 times more in a year) but there is also the underlying disease that means they need it.
And there are many reasons that people need PPIs and not all PPIs are created equal. For example, pantoprazole-induced acute kidney injury was first reported in 2004 and there have been no more than 100 publicly reported cases since then - it is very rare.
Thank you for your reply
I find it all a bit of a minefield to be honest
Dear PMRpro many thanks. So I can worry less. Because I am at quite high risk of osteoporosis I am keen to get off Pred (and Omeprazole) as soon as I can. I am one of those people aiming at zero asap - hope I won't regret it!
You will if you ignore the fact that you have gone to too low a dose to manage the inflammation as you will end up back where you were at the start. Everyone wants to get off pred asap - but PMR holds the cards and as long as it is active you will need some pred to manage the inflammation. You can't cheat it and there are no ways of speeding up the demise of the autoimmune part underlying the inflammation. Ironically, if you rush at tapering and try to force a dose reduction when you are not ready, you will end up needing pred for longer as you cause a flare, need more pred to manage it and then have to taper again. Do that too often and it becomes increasingly difficult to get things under control and taper. And bear in mind that immobility due to PMR pain and stiffness is also a high risk factor for osteoporosis.
Thanks for the timely reminder PMRpro. I may come back another day to try and clarify whether I am going too fast or not. But I will start asking myself the question!
I can vouch for taking Pred with a good dollop of full fat yoghurt. I found the Omeprazole caused my stomach to burn!
No. It gave me wind from hell. I used Pepcid a different class acid reducer. I noticed, whenever I take anything related to antihistamine, either for stomach or allergy, I’m not as sharp in the head and get palpitations. If I need to use any of these drugs it’s short term.
I’m taking my prednisone with whole fat yogurt.