Omeprazole : Hi there, I’ve been on pred for PMR... - PMRGCAuk


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Suzan62 profile image
35 Replies

Hi there, I’ve been on pred for PMR since June, down to 11mg at moment and also take omeprazole 20mg once a day. I’ve recently become aware of the negative effects of omeprazole and would just like to know if it’s compulsory to take something to protect the stomach or if it is ok to just take the pred with food. I really want to try doing without them and wondered how to go about it. I read the following on an Nhs website...

If you've taken omeprazole for a long time speak to your doctor before you stop taking it. Stopping suddenly could make your stomach produce a lot more acid, and make your symptoms come back. Reducing the dose gradually before stopping completely will prevent this happening.

Can’t see doctor for a week so just thought I’d ask on here for any tips.

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Suzan62 profile image
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35 Replies
SheffieldJane profile image

I have only taken it sporadically and have now stopped. I have live Greek Yoghurt with a bit of honey which seems to do the trick immediately prior to taking Pred. I am on 7/6 mgs of Pred. Having said that, I have had heartburn / Oesophageal symptoms after eating for two nights in a row now about 8 hours away from taking Pred. It is solved by taking an ordinary heartburn remedy like Rennies. I stopped Omeprazole without any tapering.


Suzan62 profile image
Suzan62 in reply to SheffieldJane

You’ve done well, hopefully the recent heartburn isn’t connected and won’t happen again.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to SheffieldJane

Hi there, I do exactly the same as you.....

mikldiamond profile image
mikldiamond in reply to SheffieldJane

I have taken Ranitidine, one 10 minutes before Prednisone AM and found I needed one in the evening also. Works well for me. I was told it was a better option for long term use.

softekcom profile image
softekcom in reply to SheffieldJane

I stopped Omeprazole w/o any tapering. It did worsen the symptom for a week or so and then I started taking bio-live set yoghurt as well as a probiotic drink with breakfast. That seems to have done the trick. But I do not take pred as I have not been diagnosed with PMR/GCA. So obviously different from your situation.

PMRpro profile image

If you stop the omeprazole altogether and don't replace it you should reduce the dose slowly - like we taper the pred. One lady has said she missed a day, took it for a few days, missed a day etc etc. until she was off altogether. When you stop it cold turkey it CAN (not MUST) result in what is called rebound acid production - your stomach makes even more in response.

The alternative, possibly safer. is to switch to a different medication - such as ranitidine/Zantac. There are others in the same drug group. They also stop acid production but do it a different way and, in the context of this week's discussions, do NOT cause the increased risk of gastric cancer.

I've already said on another thread, the drug reps told the world that PPIs were SOOO much superior to the "old" drugs and they were believed. The difference in reduction of acid production is minimal in fact.

Suzan62 profile image

If I switched would I just stop omeprazole and start say Zantac straight away?

I was hoping to stop and just take the pred with food but I guess if I did develop stomach problems then I don’t know how easy it would be to cure whilst taking pred.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Suzan62

You could. And then you could try reducing the amount of the Zantac you use - but I don't think I would just stop everything cold turkey, I would just change one thing at a time and then go about the reduction gradually.

Chrob profile image

I took omiprazole every day at first as told, then thought ,um do I need this . Now I just take one If heartburn occurs .

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to Chrob

Chrob I did the same as you. However when my dose was increased to 60mg for a few weeks I did find I needed omeprazole but when back to 15mg I stopped it and now take either some yoghurt or milk with Pred. Works for me.

Suzan62 profile image
Suzan62 in reply to Hollyseden

That’s great, did you just stop taking it or did u taper?

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to Suzan62

I had only been taking it daily for about a month so yes, I just stopped. No problems for me, as I said I then took some yoghurt or milk when taking Pred works for me .

Suetum profile image

I take Pred with live yoghurt but take Omeprazole if I am eating something like curry or acid based like tomatoes. I have not replaced it with anything else

MaryWR profile image

Like you, I had been on omeprazole. In my case I was on it for 15 years, well before I started on pred. This, as I now know, was against all usage recommendationsand I feel was sloppy prescribing. Also like you I became aware of the increased risk of osteoporosis and also of magnesium depletion which I believed to be implicated in my headaches. I saw two different doctors at my surgery and the second was prepared to help me. Firstly we reduced from 20mg to 10 where I stayed for a couple of months. After that I reduced gradually with the help of gaviscon when needed. I am now off it and am symptom free, although I do find that if I eat more than usual or eat bread I tend to suffer a little. Incidentally my bad and very long term headaches are improving. I am still on 4mg but it doesn't seem to cause me a problem. Good luck.

Suzan62 profile image
Suzan62 in reply to MaryWR

That certainly is sloppy prescribing. Thankfully we have the internet now and can look into things ourselves. I’m going to see doc and suggest I try just taking with yoghurt/food and see how I get on. Thank you and good luck.

Hindags profile image
Hindags in reply to MaryWR

MaryWR, I didn't know that omeprazole comes in 10mgs dosage. Where do you live? Where do you get it at 10mg dose?

MaryWR profile image
MaryWR in reply to Hindags

Hello Hindags - I am in the UK where my doctor prescribed 10mg so I guess I is generally available here.

Griggser profile image

I stopped taking omeprazole without tapering but now eat live Greek yoghurt with blueberries and honey before taking my pred. I do find if I have a normal breakfast, like bacon and eggs and not the yoghurt, I get stomach cramps.

Suzan62 profile image
Suzan62 in reply to Griggser

How long had you been taking the omeprazole?

Griggser profile image
Griggser in reply to Suzan62

About 2 & 1/2 years. I read it wasn't that good for you and decided to see if yoghurt would give me the protection. Seems to have worked for me. I buy live culture and make my own yoghurt.

raymck profile image

I agree with another post on here that Ranitidine is much easier and was the option given by my GP when I found omeprazole to be a problem. At present on Aspirin supplement given by hospital since last Xmas without any I'll effects.

suzy1959 profile image

I came off Lanzoprazole suddenly after about 6 years, and have had very few problems, which has been a relief. I have Zantac (Ranitidine) handy in case I need it as a one-off.

Suzan62 profile image
Suzan62 in reply to suzy1959

Are you still taking pred?

suzy1959 profile image
suzy1959 in reply to Suzan62

Yes, going from 9.5 to 9mgs. at the moment.

Ronnie101 profile image

I have been on and off omeprazole and lanzaprozole for years due to acid reflux. I try not to take it for longer than a month at a time. Unfortunately ranatidine doesn't work so well for me.

I use coated pred when I can, which helps.

Jackoh profile image

I take my Pred with live yoghurt and a little fruit , honey and flaked almonds. Took a PPI for about a year( I think!) didn't taper off this and also do not take AA( took about 2 and had dexascan done which was fine) My GP not happy and my Consultant Rheumy has no problem with either. I feel very happy not taking either and very rarely have acid reflux( have had it about 3 times in 3 years) If I do I take Rennies.

Diagnosed PMR Nov 2014 GCA Jan 2016 - at present on 18/17 mg Pred and Lefludomide.

mk14 profile image


I've been on Omeproaxole for about 5 years, only as a precaution. I've never had stomach problems with Pred.

Quite a lot of you say you take Greek Yoghurt with your Pred. Is that because you had stomach problems?

Suzan62 profile image
Suzan62 in reply to mk14

Same as me, I take it as a precaution but I’m going to see doctor Wednesday about coming off it after everything I’ve read.

sondya profile image

Was told to take Omneprazole and told why it is important. So I do. Never had reflux, stomach upsets. I leave it to the experts to tell me what to do. Less to stress about.

Stroppymoo profile image

I had a perforated stomach ulcer, major surgery and nearly died 5 months b4 pmr diagnosed. I was horrified that steriods can cause stomach ulcers, but was put on the omeprazole. I do not ever want that pain ever again. I can reduce to 10mg of omeprazole once my pmr has gone away. So, yes very important to protect your tummy. Oh aspirin and ibuprofen I'm banned from too as they can hurt tummy.

Oliver1954 profile image


I have just started on prednisolone but my doctor prescribed deltacortril which is absorbed by the bowel, not by stomach.

Pharmacist said bowel absorbers it 1 hour later, than stomach.

She did this because I no longer want to take the ppi drugs.

Having no problems so far.

Also recently saw loads of posts/information about bananas and keeping the acid down due to the high potassium.

So I eat a banana a day with Greek yog.

Hope this helps.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Oliver1954

For anyone looking is - deltacortril is gastro-resistant/enteric-coated pred.

It probably takes considerably more than 1 hour more to be absorbed - most authorities think 5 to 6 hours, more for some people. And it is perfectly possible to take it at night before bed - and it is working in the morning so no morning stiffness!

Oliver1954 profile image
Oliver1954 in reply to PMRpro


I Have found absolutely no problem with deltacortril so far, you can take it with no food I am taking it at 7 in the morning ish . 1 hour before I get up, as per pharmacy instructions.

It's definitely working it's even working on my hip mobility, broke hip 2 years ago and since then great difficulty putting sock on that foot. Yesterday I was able.

Delighted that my GP prescribed this for me instead of Regular prednisolone and the ppi again.

Best wishes.

I was on a prazole for about 17years due to daily aspirin which was prescribed when I dx diabetes.

This year Dr said aspirin no longer beneficial so I dumped that and prazole. Enter rebound reflux and issue of tapering as advised somewhere on forum. I "demanded" coated pred and tapered off prazole. I get occasional reflux and take non ppi helper. If really bad I take ppi but that is less frequent now. I have had a dexa scan mainly because of prazole Worries but was absolutely ok for my age (56)...usual calcium and d3 advice and for once being a bit of a big girl helped. Of course now the stomach cancer reports coming out so I will keep fingers crossed that so many years on them hasn't left it's Mark. At the moment I am having a war with insulin. I am sure that we all look at the meds and have a day when we want to say sod it. Never felt that about pred though. Mmm

Suzan62 profile image

Well I came off omeprazole a few months ago without tapering and I’ve been fine. I have a few spoonfuls of live yoghurt before my cereal and then take the preds and my stomach has been fine 🙂

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