I know that taking ibuprofen with pred. is usually not a good idea but I remember reading somewhere here (tried searching FAQ’s but couldn’t find anything) that occasionally it’s OK.
I’m on 7mg pred. daily and have had a dodgy sacroiliac joint for years. I’ve managed to set it off again(gardening this time) and the usual paracetamol isn’t helping much. I’ve just taken some paracetamol with ibuprofen and it seems to be having an effect. Could anyone remind me why this isn’t usually recommended (I know it’s anti inflammatory as is pred. but interested to know what it’s doing to me) and how long anyone else has taken it for?
Thanks so much for all the advice and support so readily given here. I may not contribute much but I read the posts most days and find it so interesting and comforting to know it’s always here.