....and feeling pathetic at the hospital. Thank you for all your replies.
On to my next question -
Prior to the synacthen test I got down to 5mg pred but the last 3 weeks I had been feeling as though 5mg wasn't enough. I'd had several bouts of S&D, also fatigued by the heat..I thought it may have been adrenal insufficiency rather than a need to increase the pred. But I started to feel those oh so familiar aches, but didn't want to increase the pred as I wanted to get the synacthen test done.
Synacthen test came back at 315 and I'm now awaiting appointments with endo team.
In the meantime I'm doing sick day rules for 10 days at 10mg pred and feeling much better by day 3.
Now onto the question...
Should I drop back to 6mg while I await Endo and see if it helps with the aches, stiffness, fatigue?
Thank you, all advice is appreciated and taken on board.