I was diagnosed with PMR in 2020 and felt that I was tapering successfully until I had a full reverse shoulder replacement in February this year.
i struggled with an immense lethargy so my GP organised various tests. These showed I was anaemic which I couldn’t understand as I eat quite well . After a dodgy ECG I had a cardio MRI which came up with “subendocardial perfusion consistent with microvascular dysfunction “!
The nightmare didn’t stop there because I went to develop horrendous symptoms consistent with rheumatoid arthritis- the pain every morning is unbearable.
I went back to rheumatology who told me my symptoms were down to my age!
So just in the last 7 days my GP has referred me back to rheumatology as an urgent case , the outcome is that I am to be prescribed methotrexate later today having had a battery of tests with no contra indications.
I am not in a good place at the moment- I can’t get out out of bed in the morning without assistance- even brushing my hair first thing is a bridge too far.
All of this in just a matter of months.
The moral of this story is that I feel the MRI exacerbated my symptoms and could trigger similar in other people.
I’ve read up other people’s experience with methotrexate and it doesn’t appear to be the golden bullet does it?