I’ve now successfully tapered from initial 15mg Pred dose to 12.5mg over 5 weeks using DLady slow taper, then from 12.5 to 10mg, and just about to start next taper from 10mg to 9mg… but woke up yesterday with sore throat and aching lower back that persisted all day. Took Covid test just in case but that was negative so pretty sure this is just a rotten cold, probably caught from my brother who I saw weekend before last who had cough etc. it’s Day 2 today and woke up full of cold, stuffed up nose, aching, headache - all the usual!! Will take paracetamol & take it easy.
My question is - would it be best to hold off on starting my next taper until the cold has subsided, or even go back up to 12.5 for a few days? I’ve read posts / advice from previous years but not quite sure best approach to take this week.
Thanks, as always!