Has anyone had experience of severe neck spasms with PMR?
I was a long time being diagnosed PMR approx 3.5 yrs ago.-- usual high dose prednisolone etc which I have reduced to 2, 5 3 mg etc approx 4 or 5 times. Last year September i developed left sided neck pains on movement which quickly became extreme spasms; like fluid electric bolts down my neck tendons? inside etc particularly on an evening and overnight. They stopped me rigid, barely sleeping, unable to lay down etc; holding my head in one place- tried pain relief but unable to stop them. A GP considered this..he was not aware of spasms being a symptom of PMR but felt under the extreme circumstance to increase the dose of steroids to 15mg. after a few days they subsided.
Prior to this I had developed sleeping problems, low mood, anxiety, for which a GP prescribed mertazapin 15mg... I stopped this almost immediately being spaced out, zombie, I tried CBT which helped some of the sleep issues.
I am now on 6mg prednisolone reducing 1/2mg every 3 weeks but a suggestion of the previous pain seems to lie in wait.
The GP has considered after discussion with a rheumatologist and registrar, that the neck pain may not be related to PMR but responded to the steroids as many conditions do. He now has prescribed Amytryptyline 25mg... I am very wary of starting with another anti depressant, be it lower dose. Dose anyone else have experience of this< and any thoughts on the amytryptillin ( I am aware it could be 10mg)
(I would add that I previously considered myself pretty fit- regular long cycles and gym, and I have maintained cycling throughout this, at times extremly difficult-- been a lifeline really. But my strength has poured off of me in surges- i no longer bother with the gym. I am however positive in that I feel things improving at times, taking 'protein' to help offset matters etc}