Hi I am down to 3.5mg Pred from 100mg for Temporal Arteritis. My vision has got extremely bad.I have Steroid induced glaucoma.I saw a chemist.She thinks I need to go to emergency at hospital but I have my reservations..I wondering if it's another side effect of reducing prednisolone and if I should increase.My BP is 150/92.Not too bad for me.Im not hypertensive.Our weather is all over the show.That can affect my eyes.Im using my eye drops.
Prednislone reducing and increased glaucoma - PMRGCAuk
Prednislone reducing and increased glaucoma

Well I think your chemist (although not sure they are experts on all things eyes) is giving good advice. Any eye problems should be properly checked out…

I agree with the pharmacist - if your sight is worsening, it needs expert medical attention to decide why. And that BP is also worthy of medical attention.
If your vision has got extremely bad you should be seen in emergency or by your ophthalmologist ASAP. Could be the glaucoma, could be the GCA or something else entirely. Completely mad to delay.

I hear you.
I have been told for years I had a congenital cataract in one eye, then, possibly 5 or so years ago was told I have the beginnings of cataracts (glaucoma runs father’s side of family). Over last 2 years sight changes quite rapidly & last months test informed by new optician that my cateracts were unusual & he’d never seen before but probably caused by steroids of which I’ve needed a lot. I suffer bad insomnia & prescribed Zopiclone which I learned can also cause cataracts to worsen & glaucoma. I don’t know if any of this helps in deciding but also if you call your GP as they may have a list of local opticians that offer urgent on the day appointments if GP thinks necessary.
You need an eye expert at a specialist opthalmology centre in a hospital asap. Chemists are unlikely to know and high street optometrists would only refer you anyway. I have GCA and at a meeting with my local opthalmologist this week I was told that if I had problems I should seek help without delay. These specialist centres are open 24 hours and are useful at night/at the weekend.
Do you happen to have a list of which UK hospitals have such specialist clinics or know where there is one? I imagine it very much depends on where you are. But I seriously doubt many are open 24 hours - even the Western Eye Hospital which says it "is a specialist eye hospital with an A&E department. Our A&E department is based on the ground floor and is open from 8am to 8:30pm".
Bristol is daytime 7 days a week, So is the Manchester Eye Hospital, Sussex SAYS it has a 24/7 ED on its general site but closer inspection shows it too is daytime only.
And woe betide anyone anywhere north of Hull!!!!
Unfortunately I don't UK wide but I think it would be very useful to have a list, maybe that's something the group could consider? Highlighting those areas lacking provision might add weight to the emphasis that nobody should lose their sight because they did not know where to turn. Everyone with this condition should know where to seek help in an emergency and have the phone numbers to hand, just in case. It is 'sod's law' that help is often needed out of hours!
In my area (Cheshire) I was told to telephone the specialist clinic first and both Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and Crewe (presumably Leighton), were recommended.
but I think it would be very useful to have a list, maybe that's something the group could consider?
Very good idea, but it means one person has to collate it initially and keep it updated- HU doesn’t make it that easy.
Some of us know how time consuming that can be -and not everyone is prepared to, or has the time to do that.
You aren't far from Manchester - so they will come out with that sort of thing. But when you live in central Wales, or the Yorkshire Dales or Moors or most of Scotland it can be an hour to a hospital of ANY sort, never mind a 24/7 ED,
You volunteering to collate it? There is a very good reason that all the moderation is done my DL and me - no-one else stuck it out.
I am a glaucoma patiënt with PMR too and my eye pressure increased under prednisolone. I have every 6 months an appointment with my ophthamologist in the hospital, where they did last september eye surgery (for minor cataract but already 45 % blindness at my right eye due to glaucoma) . The blindness can never be reversed. I am taking my eye drops as a very compliant patiënt since 30 years and suggest you let your eye check before it is too late.
I had steroid induced cataracts after being on them for 3 years. 1 period of high dosage due to GCA. Ended up having cataract surgery on both eyes. You really should see a good optician .