I've had clicking and popping and pain in the muscles of my neck for a couple of months . I just figured it was a stiff neck from reading and looking down and it would go away. My PMR is under control at 3.5 mg . Just had a small flare so went up to 8 mg for 6 days. It did not change how my neck felt so i figured its not PMR related or is it? I also understand that PM R makes sore muscles harder to heal is that correct ?. I'm to have cataract surgery on May 7th and was hoping this would be cleared up by then. I haven't seen a doctor because like most sore muscles they usually get better on their own now I'm thinking maybe I do need to see one. Any advice.
neck pain with clicking and popping when I move - PMRGCAuk
neck pain with clicking and popping when I move

This is often discussed on here - and usually nothing to worry about -maybe have a look at links - but obviously if you are concerned then speak to GP-

The noises are probably not anything to worry about. But which neck muscles do you mean? Is it the sternocleidomastoid muscles that are sore?
Here's an article about it and its problems:
Hi PMRpro and Paperroses. I experience sudden and severe painful spasms LHS of neck a few times a day, usually when I have been sitting still for too long. Rheumy says some sort of arthritis. Could be, but I never had this before GCAPMR diagnosis and pred. The stretching exercises really help, and for me, so does heat (one of those wheatgerm bags you put in microwave) plus a bit of massage. I don't get popping sounds, but clicking and grinding.
I used to get horrible spasms, lasting a few seconds and basically rendering me incapable of speaking or doing anything for the duration. I thought it was a nerve being impacted, but when I fnally took myself off to a physiotherapist , and previously my doctor, they said muscles could cause the pain. I was given exercises to do daily, and nearly 30 years later still do them, and except for a couple of times when I've been neglectful of the exercises for a few days have not had this particular problem since. I do have serious osteoarthritis in my neck. I think the exercises are designed to keep supporting muscles strong.
I guess I've had a crunchy neck for so long I don't even notice it any more. In my case I'm sure it's osteoarthritis, which I was diagnosed with 37 years ago, but probably already had when even younger. Exercises have helped, very simple one and I must do them daily or I soon regret it.
My crunchy joints are a lot less crunchy since I started taking a combined glucosamine/chondroitin/msm/collagen supplement.