To complete the picture, I do take an injection of Actemra weekly. My GCA started in 2019 and getting this low is a first. My dosage was increased last fall due to other health issues and being off my Actemra. Since September 2023, I've gone down from 60mg per day with no issue.
I've been on 2 for a month and feel good, given that I am not 30! I see my rheumy on the 22nd of March, but I wanted your input. Would it be wiser to go to 1.5 for a while instead of jumping to one mg? I'd love your thoughts. My doctor has a lot of respect for this forum~~!
Oh, by the way, when my vision was compromised in 2019, I gave up driving. BUT... I'm on the road again!! 🚗🚗🚗 Took a few driving lessons to get confident, passed the driving and written exams, and am a documented driver. Some of you may be thankful you don't live close by. Now, Grammy is off to the Senior Center for Art lessons and a crochet group. Living la vida loca!! Just another wild senior citizen.💞