post Viral symptoms: I returned from Australia with... - PMRGCAuk


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post Viral symptoms

SheffieldJane profile image
71 Replies

I returned from Australia with a heavy cold and painful cough. I have been confined to bed mostly for 2 weeks and really quite ill. A man coughed throughout our flight, this could be the source although my grandchildren were ill too. No sooner did I feel this virus improve it seemed to gain more impetus and start again with a copiously productive cough sore throat, and cold, and complete exhaustion. I have vomited a few times too. It maybe Covid although I had no in-date tests. I did sick day rules and returned successfully to 5 mgs. I am now getting occasional periods of extreme nausea with deathly feelings that make me want to get near the ground. Do you think this is my Adrenal system? I haven’t felt well enough to visit my GP surgery, although, in the past, it has always felt like a waste of time - we know more about this than they do, I doubt they’d even take Adrenal problems seriously. I have found that taking two uncoated 1 mg Pred tablets with Lanzoprazole , when this strikes, improves the symptoms, especially the deathly nausea. This strikes, always, at the end of the day. I am not sure where to go from here as the virus has found new energy. This makes me wonder about Long Covid where the body still thinks it is fighting the virus. Of course the deathly nausea needs to be addressed. Can you advise?

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SheffieldJane profile image
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71 Replies
KellyInTexas profile image

sorry this has happened!

From a different view, I encourage a GP visit to :

1. Obtain zofran ( ondansatron) antiemetic

2. Check ears- make sure you don’t have fluid in inner or middle ear due to viral inf/ possible secondary bacterial infection/ copious mucus/ pressure/ ets..( in addition to adrenal issues/ cortisol levels needing to be checked) - possibly vertigo ( needing to be on floor?) playing into nausea? Meclazine might help ?

3. Check lungs

4. It seems your maintenance required light has come on your body 😕… time to go to the mechanic, friend. Get some good basics to start helping with the system that are making you miserable- and that’s the launching pad to start the adrenal / Pred inquiry.

Beyond that, the PMR knowledgeable folks can help from here.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to KellyInTexas

Sound advice Kelly, actually my ears do feel slightly painful and I’ve never known so much mucous. We are put off fighting for a primary care appointment( UK) so many obstacles, then eventually a doctor with a dismissive stance. Or health system is currently in dire straights. Thank you!

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to SheffieldJane

SJ, if there’s ever a time you need the input of a professional it is now…what you are going through sounds horrendous. I do understand that past experience and the current problems in our healthcare system have put you off seeking professional advice but in my opinion you shouldn’t be trying to battle on regardless. Your only option until Monday may be to ring 111 which will hopefully result in a call back from a doctor. If you go for over the counter remedies to self-treat the pharmacist should advise regarding contraindications with your prescribed meds. Please keep us informed.xx

Edited to clarify. Re my comment, “Your only option until Monday may be to ring 111” - please note that I’m advising a call to 111 now rather than wait till Monday to call your GP surgery.

Singr profile image
Singr in reply to SheffieldJane

With you on this one having suffered my own infection over the Xmas period and still got the cough and residual catarrh. Had to go to the emergency GP in Spain. Seen immediately. Notes he wrote down I had respiratory distress and he wasn’t kidding. That was me when well enough to go and see him. My insurance will cover it. Their system is so efficient.

powerwalk profile image

Sounds horrendous. Its not unusual for a virus to appear to be leaving only to return. It does sound very like Covid. You really if possible at all should get a gp check, sympyoms sound very severe. Paying for your lovely holiday, its just awful. Hope you get relief and feel better soon. 💚

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Sorry to hear this, but as said you do need medical input on this… and yes it does sound as if adrenals are struggling. But you need to ring 111 today, not wait until Monday.

All the best… 🌸

SnazzyD profile image

Sounds very like Covid or influenza. The “second energy” that it has gained needs to be checked as you may have a secondary bacterial infection or other complication. Covid did seem to have a second wind when I had it. It was further down the line that I started to get adrenal insufficiency with it; it really did feel like they had given up with all the effort. If you get the needing to be near the floor and it isn’t vertigo (the world moving) I would take that rescue dose if it helped last time, like you did before. So, 111 it is for you. The main point to get across is how long you have been ill already and that you are getting worse.

SheffieldJane profile image

Many thanks! I will follow the advice.

MrsNails profile image

So sorry to read this Jane, l agree you need to contact 111 - you’ve written about your symptoms in your post so have it to hand when you ring them.

If you ring now you may get to speak or even see a GP! We have a joint Saturday Clinic with others Surgeries.

You sound as if you need professional input.

Good Luck 🍀

MrsN x

PMRpro profile image

If you have been in bed that amount of time you need medical advice. The nausea and feelings of doom are very typical of overstretched adrenals. If that is still going on then you definitely need a 111 call NOW and possibly even a 999 call,

Bluey-1 profile image

Sounds very like Covid Jane. Please seek advice as others have said and let us know how you get on.

Koalajane profile image

hi, you have had lots of advice and I am sure you will follow it.

I just wanted to say I really hope you can get it sorted and feel a lot better soon. X

Wouldlovetorun profile image

💐 hope you feel very much better soon x

TheMoaningViolet profile image

Hi Jane, I am so sorry you are going through this. How long has this been going on?There is a nasty virus this winter which seems a lot worse than Covid. My sister in law who had it over Christmas (abroad) was so ill with extremely high temperature and incessant coughing, she appeared to have injured her chest muscles. Her CRP was over 80 and she had to take antibiotics. She then gave it to my cousin who was similarly floored.

I don't find 111 very helpful. When we tried using them in the past we wasted a lot of time talking to them and then had to do our own thing. And if things get really bad, perhaps someone can drive you to A&E.

Do you have a way of accessing your rheumatologist on Monday? I am sure she could organise any investigations that are required.

I hope you find out what is going on and feel better soon. x

SheffieldJane profile image

Thank you for this. I have strained my ribs coughing and being sick. I am just glad it held off until I made it back from Australia. My GP tends to send you away until you’ve had chest things for at least 3 weeks. I really have to steel myself. My previous experience with 111 was a good one, they made me an appointment with my own GP.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Well they shouldn't when you have been on immunosuppressive medication longterm and have a dodgy immune system anyway. Needing to be in bed for 2 weeks should be a red flag.

Conundrum profile image

Hello Jayne

I’m so sorry you are so poorly, it must have over shadowed what sounds like a precious family holiday.

I am no expert on anything but have been struggling to reduce from about 8 mg, life is so stressful which makes it more difficult.

I too have been suffering from what I believe is adrenal fatigue but have received no support from gp or local A&E (Lincs). They all refuse to accept/ discuss/dx / refer me to Endocrinology One A&E dr said I had epilepsy and could no longer drive 🙄

I too follow sick day rules, lay down so I don’t fall down and do my best to keep life simple.

I hope you can get some help. Keep taking care and rest as much as possible

Have said before but so grateful for all of you 🥰

aladymo profile image

I’m so sorry to hear you were going through such a rough time. Can you try taking an anti-nausea drug. In Canada it’s called gravol (dimenhydrinate) It would definitely help with a nausea , vomitting and any dizziness. Hope you can find something like that there. It’ll definitely do the trick.

Greensleeves profile image

I’m sorry you’ve been so poorly Jane and are still feeling rough .

I’d ring 111 , you need your lungs listening to and anti sickness medication . It does sound like you’ve had Covid.

Every day it brought something new, including earache . I strained my chest from coughing and also had an adrenal crisis from 5 days of D&V .

The continuous nausea was awful and continued even when I came out of hospital. Anti sickness meds helped tremendously. I’d increase your steroids while waiting , they’d increase it with a chest infection.

An injection or IV can cover your adrenal function.

The hospitals are stretched , but your situation is a priority, as a Covid risk you’ll be seen quickly and isolated from others . You might even be seen in a day and sent home.

The most important thing is your adrenal function and chest at the moment.

The hospital sent me home with an anti sickness you slowly allow to melt in the mouth. It can be bought over the counter.

Long Covid can be addressed once you have antibiotics and adrenal cover and know what’s what .

If 111 are slow , I’d ring 999 , there’s a long wait but the paramedics are marvellous. They can check your lungs too .

Sending you hugs xx

yogabonnie profile image

Oh Jane, so sorry. This all sounds awful. I am sending big big big healing to you. This sounds like a terrible virus. If you become dizzy or weak legged and incontinent. get to the doc asap. But I am sure it will not come to that. BUT see a doctor. It sounds quite awful. BUT NOW you will be healing right up with all the energy coming your way from the Forum friends!! oxox

Rache profile image

Just adding my good wishes for an improvement in your condition and the support you really need from a medical professional asap. I know it’s hard to overcome the reluctance to contact doctors, I experience it myself after some past experiences. With the support of all your friends here, you can do it ! X

SheffieldJane profile image

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I have slept a lot, nature’s own healer.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to SheffieldJane

My granddaughter had covid over Christmas, that turned into a dreadful type of virus, very bad throat/cough, worst for her was a very bad earache too....she went to GP who prescribed anti-biotics, it did clear it. Unfortunately her partner has had it for last few weeks too, he is struggling with clearing the earache, but won't go to please see a GP as soon as you has been said lately this virus is very contageous, especially on do those steward and stewardesses cope I wonder!! Keep us posted....hope things ease soon xx

bluegirl7 profile image
bluegirl7 in reply to SheffieldJane

Hi Jane

Like all the others have said please fight to get medical attention. I have to say in NYC we can get good care at hospital ER’s and Urgent care centers. A friend of mine had symptoms similar to yours and urgent care tested him for Covid and RSV and Flu. He had type A influenza which they said was not covered by the flu vaccine. Someone else mention Type A to you. He was given antibiotics for secondary infections this virus created and Zofran for nausea.

I have a horrible stomach and esophagus so I always carry prescription Zofran for nausea. It is always given to chemo patients in the US and really anyone entering ER with nausea.

I feel so badly for you. I hate being nauseous above all!!

It is also helpful to have a relative call for an Emergency or bring your to ER and have them say that you are dying etc!! I have done this for my husband and it has saved his life more than once. You of course have to play the part and lie there unresponsive. It may actually happen if you don’t get the care you need!!!

Wishing you well !!!

Mstiles profile image

How awful Jane! Agree that this sounds like an emergency that needs attending to immediately and not fobbed off with endless phone calls and redirection.

It’s so hard to muster the strength to “fight the system” and get cared for when you are in bad shape and health care is so messed up. In the US it’s like that too, exactly as you describe.

There are many sending you love, strength, and energy. ❤️👍. Hope you get the right help soon.

Blossom20 profile image

Oh, poor Jane! It sounds awful. There are lots of horrid viruses about with coughs that won't shift for weeks and also things like Norovirus. It's difficult to avoid catching bugs on planes.

So what to do? Everyone is advising medical treatment...but it's so difficult these days here - someone I know had to wait 13 hours for a call back when they rang 111 .

Maybe just stay in bed, drink lots of water, ginger and lemon and honey. Hard to decide. If you really feel worried then of course phone 111.

Wishing you the best of luck and that you get better soon. x

Hunter134 profile image

There are so many viruses going around and you clearly have one.Hope you feel better real soon and I know you ll keep us informed on how you make out!The sooner the better cause these viruses can take hold really fast.Hugs❤️

Katiecatweazel profile image

Dear Jane, thinking of you and trust that by now 111 have helped you on the road to recovery with absolutely no delays.

(I’m in Australia atm). 👋

Louisa1840 profile image

So sorry to hear your trip to Oz left you with this Jane! Down here in Tasmania, we got Covid for Christmas whilst being visited by relatives from London. I was able to get straight onto antivirals which kept things mild. My husband never tested positive but seemed to have more severe symptoms (of something) than me). Our doctor thinks it may have been Infulenza Type A which has also been around.

I sympathise with you over your reluctance to visit the doctor especially if they are dismissive. However, a check up, especially on your ears, sounds like a good idea.

I have not felt really well (not that one ever does with PMR) since Covid: even less energy than before and a slight headache most of the time.

Wishing you all the best and a full recovery really soon.

Lollybygolly profile image

Jane I caught flu on Xmas day and it’s been the worst. 48hrs deathly then 26 days of headaches cough sickness diarrhoea- night fevers. At 2 weeks I thought I improved but another wave of it weakened me so much I couldn’t think of going out to see a doctor. I used in stock Amoxycillin and finally saw my doc after 30 days. She recommended X-rays BP monitor and doxycycline to kick the infection. I’m now improved enough to have prepped Sunday lunch for siblings. It’s scary! Keep fighting it but rest rest rest.. your body will get strong again. Take care!

Btw the Covid carrier took a test a few days after Xmas, positive! She flew on holiday the next day. 😷

Lenore58 profile image

So sorry to hear that your wonderful trip ended with such a dreadful sickness! I do hope you get good medical care and get better soon! Yiu are not still on Tocilizumab, are you?

Will pray for you tonight. 🙏

Sungolfer profile image

hi and hope this day may find you feeling slightly better - horrid for you. And to echo others I know of about 3 people who have had a second more unpleasant bout of a similar virus which has taken about 3 weeks to disappear and still left them feeling below par.

On the nausea front and you say needing “to get close to the ground” I have suffered a few bouts of either vertigo or labyrinthitis- twice after a flight and I always have Buccastem handy which helps with the extreme nausea. Of course I don’t know if this might be contraindicated with any meds you might be on - but worth a look. Do hope you feel better soon.

Jackoh profile image

So sorry you feel so ill Jane. Do agree you need some medical input. Let us know how you get on. Have no idea how I’ve got different font. Xx💐

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Jackoh

You have tapped the italics icon by mistake..easily done. Turns blue when on…

Jackoh profile image
Jackoh in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks ! 😂😂

Poshdog profile image

Big virtual hugs 🫂 . xx

greengages profile image

just read your post SJ so sorry to hear how unwell you are. Hope you have gone for the medical treatment everyone is advising and that your well again soon. There are definitely some nasty viruses around at the moment. Take care hope you get relief very soon

MegfromOz profile image

hi there, sounds dreadful. I had something similar after a big trip. Put up with it for several weeks then finally went to doctor. Turned out I had RSV which is absolutely dreadful. They even checked to see if my adrenals were working. So long story, short, it might be worth getting tested.

Good luck and feel better soon

Treetop33 profile image

As people have said, definitely visit your GP. I have had the same thing (since mid-Nov) and had to go to get everything checked out. Once you rule out heart, lung problems etc. I just wanted to share some things I learned.

Apparently according to medical research published last year, Covid affects cortisol levels. I noticed myself having an AI flare (I've had it before) and when I upped my pred it alleviated. Again, run this by your GP and rheumy.

Rest is absolutely paramount. Doing anything approaching exercise left me feeling destroyed.

For me it had digestive issues. It felt like I had a swollen stomach pushing against my lungs. For some reason I don't understand and that isn't backed by medical research, activated charcoal (taken outside of med times) helps.

People have mentioned augmented NAC as being helpful on another forum. I've not tried this and the problem is it interferes with meds.

Take care. I am very, very slowly seeing some improvement. Huge blow though. x

MamaBeagle profile image

Just picked up your post SJ. So sorry, your symptoms sound dreadful. I'm hoping you've contacted 111, or 999 and that you're being cared for, and that you'll soon be feeling better.💗

Pixix profile image

Big hugs. I have heard of something going round…they are calling it ‘the 100 days cough’. Know of more friends now with Covid than we knew during the pandemic. I’m very fedup as we are shielding, & wearing FFP2 masks if we have to go anywhere…but I see the sense of it now. I hope a doctor helps you very soon! S xx

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Pixix

PS nausea…if room not spinning, then cyclizine is good. If room spinning prochlorperazine is good!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Pixix

Whooping cough used to be called the 100 day cough.

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to PMRpro

I had that, as a child, didn’t know the name, that’s interesting!

SheffieldJane profile image

I am on the mend. Thank you for your advice and good wishes. As ever we are left with further depleted energy. I have heard of the 100 day cough - another name for Whooping Cough, my granddaughter has had it a number of times, her cough sounded whooping-like, this visit.I am seeing Dr Mackie in a couple of weeks.

Bluey-1 profile image
Bluey-1 in reply to SheffieldJane

So pleased to hear things are improving for you Jane. A friend had Covid after a trip to the U.S before Christmas. It lingered for a while and was not helped by the added jet lag. Fingers crossed your energy levels pick up soon.

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to SheffieldJane

Good to hear things are improving…ever since I had whooping cough I’ve had a cough that sounds like a large dog barking!! S x

Chittychatty profile image

I feel your pain. I was one of the very first people to catch covid from a woman who came back from a holiday to wuhan. Didn’t know about covid at the time and no one believed me including drs. But I don’t care I know what I know. Lost my job through it and it took me over 3 yrs to feel near normal. Then bang this Christmas I got it again followed by pneumonia. Dr said symptoms now include diarrhoea and vomiting so it sounds like that is what you have/had. I am struggling still to recover once again.

Try vitamin D C zinc and magnesium. Fresh air and very light exercise like a two min walk. Gently does it. I’m no spring chicken and feel like life will always be this way but just little baby steps to give quality of life helps your mind.

Wishing you recovery.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Chittychatty

That’s helpful and wise.

Missus835 profile image

Oh my SJ. You're going through it. 111 please? Good advice in previous replies. Hugs to you.

perceptual63 profile image

Definitely sounds like Covid as that is what I went through for 2 weeks at the beginning of this month with the same symptoms. I live with 2 other housemates and I'm the only one that came down with Covid but I'm also the only one on prednisone.

For me, by the end of the 3rd week I was feeling more of myself without experiencing Covid's crushing fatigue and having less congestion.

I hope you feel better with each passing day, SheffieldJane. 🙏

Pollyanna16 profile image

Im catching up on all this Jane. I'm so sorry. It does sound like inner ear problems on top of the nasty virus. I absolutely dread getting labyrinthitis as find being physically sick frightening. I'm glad you feel a bit better but dont hesitate to speak to someone tomorrowxxx

SheffieldJane profile image

Yes I found being physically sick frightening too. I am kind of used to it now since Diverticulitis etc. It does relieve some of my symptoms. You might be right about the ears. I tried going out for a drive with my husband driving, to the Peak District today. So exhausted when I returned, I slept for 3 hours. I was so full of optimism after Australia and plans to taper and build up physical fitness. This is a very sobering illness, full of crushing disappointment. I am determined not to give in though. I hope you are doing well currently. I remember that you had Adrenal function issues, how is that going?

Pollyanna16 profile image
Pollyanna16 in reply to SheffieldJane

Thanks Jane, A little like you I caught some coughing virus in London on my way to Morrocco for a lovely Pilates week. 3 weeks later I was on antibiotics which sort of helped but it’s really taken its toll. Haven’t felt really good since but I notice the cough has almost gone now. I should have been on top of the world after a week of great food, exercise & good company & all ready to host the family for Xmas! Anyway … AI is manageable 90% of the time it just doesn’t like illnesses 🤣 xxx

Meggsy profile image

Oh Jane, I am so sorry that your much looking forward to trip here to visit your family ended this way. I do hope you are soon on the mend. Sending much love. 💕

Blackcat1M profile image

sorry to hear you have been so ill, I hope things improve for you 🙏

AtopicGuy profile image

My money's on norovirus. It spreads like wildfire and, after having it, immunity against the same strain typically wears off after only 6 months. So we're lucky we don't have it every year; perhaps we do, but some bouts are milder than others. Every extra person that lives in the household is one more chance to bring it home and generously share it with the family.

Vomiting, diarrhoea, and weakness so bad your can barely crawl on the floor: what a delightful little virus!

Sharitone profile image

Are you any better yet?🌺🌸🌼

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Sharitone

Thank you for asking. See my reply to Bcol.

Bcol profile image

Sorry I missed this earlier SJ, you've been having a very rough time. I hope things are on the mend and you are starting to feel better.

SheffieldJane profile image

Thank you! I was triaged for an ambulance yesterday by the 111 people. I received a phone-call from a doctor who agreed with me that this was not necessary. He doubled my Pred dose and told me to see my GP in case anti-biotics were needed. So, the morning race for a stethoscope. It seems that it is either over-kill or neglect, no middle ground. I feel bad at 5 pm after a lazy day. Avoid coughers, there are nasty flu-type viruses out there.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to SheffieldJane

Hope you soon get some respite, been [and still going] through the mill. 🌸

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you DorsetLady. I have managed to indicate my need to talk to my GP on-line. Victory one.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

111 do tend to be a bit OTT when it comes to ambos!!! On the other hand, YAS crews are lovely - I have a few friends there - and would probably sort you out better than the GP as well as call the GP and elicit a f2f appointment for you!

SheffieldJane profile image

I know, they are very special people, but the next call could be a person whose life is at risk. I cannot in all conscience say that at this point I might die - although it has felt like it. X

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

If it feels like it you may be rather sicker than you think - and they do prefer to get to the far less sick customers BEFORE they are circling the drain ...

SheffieldJane profile image

Point taken. They are a healing tonic. I imagine that I would have sat miserably in A&E for hours though.

The Antibiotics have kicked in amazingly. Apparently there was an infection in the left lobe of my lung.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

There you are - had you sought advice BEFORE it turned to pneumonia ...

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to SheffieldJane

Get well soon. x

SheffieldJane profile image

Thanks Rugger! I am mending, although the antibiotics have the odd side effect of nightmares and insomnia - Clarithromycin. Why are drugs so complex these days?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

Not so new - well over 30 years of use!

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