I’d be most interested in opinions on this. Had a telephone conversation with my Rheumy a few weeks ago, which was 9 months since the last one – in a year when I had experienced considerable stress in Health, Work and Bereavement. I explained that I had tried to reduce the 20mg Methotrexate dose to 10mg (as per his suggestion) but very quickly felt the consequence, and along with a couple of flares this year, had not managed to get off Pred completely, which he is VERY keen for me to do.
When I told him I was reducing Pred by .25mg every 6 weeks but always had 2-3 weeks of pain when doing so, he said that shouldn’t happen at such a low dose. When I pointed out that 0.25mg was still more than 10% of 1.5mg – he dismissed that comment.
My Rheumatologist finished his last letter to my GP saying "The flare of symptoms after 4 days of reducing Methotrexate and the worsening of symptoms after fractionally reducing the current dose of Prednisolone 1.5mg are not physiological responses" To me, this reads ‘It’s all in her mind’!! I’d be most interested in everyone’s comments on this. I now have a Face to Face appointment with him in 3 weeks. - it will be interesting!